Is an egg a chicken?

So you are willing to look beyond your faith? I have always stated that it's possible there is some kind of design in the universe. Obviously we have laws of physics so that shows "design" in nature.

Accepting the existence of a designer is ridiculously easy and ironically, it’s gotten easier since Darwin’s day. Darwin postulated the existence of ‘blobs of protoplasm’ as the first cells and natural selection took over from there. He actually spent very little time on the question of abiogenesis and sought to explain his theory of natural selection instead.

But those little boobs of protoplasm turned out to be marvels of miniaturized complexity. There’s nothing ‘simple’ about a simple cell and the more we/they understand about them the more compelling the case for design becomes. Except that science has a prior commitment to seeking only naturalistic mechanisms as explanations for phenomena.

Same ditto for the universe. Design is apparent in the fine tuning of the physical constants; and in fact, the universe was assumed to be designed until a couple hundred years ago. That assumption didn’t seem to harm Newton’s contributions.
Accepting the existence of a designer is ridiculously easy and ironically, it’s gotten easier since Darwin’s day. Darwin postulated the existence of ‘blobs of protoplasm’ as the first cells and natural selection took over from there. He actually spent very little time on the question of abiogenesis and sought to explain his theory of natural selection instead.

But those little boobs of protoplasm turned out to be marvels of miniaturized complexity. There’s nothing ‘simple’ about a simple cell and the more we/they understand about them the more compelling the case for design becomes. Except that science has a prior commitment to seeking only naturalistic mechanisms as explanations for phenomena.

Same ditto for the universe. Design is apparent in the fine tuning of the physical constants; and in fact, the universe was assumed to be designed until a couple hundred years ago. That assumption didn’t seem to harm Newton’s contributions.

I would think that the question of life is more important than abiogenesis for him during his time.

Of course faith doesn't affect the contributions much. ;)
Quote Originally Posted by AProudLefty View Post
Because once one invokes "God", that's the end of line in finding out the truth and exploration. If one accepts on faith that God or intelligent designer is necessary for life to arise, one has to ask an obvious question: where did such a being come from?

he doesn't have to come from anywhere......
Computer programming is pretty easy. However, AI programming is way more complicated. Truly impressed with how NASA did it with Mars Perseverance rover.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

No doubt many felt that way in 1860 and, oddly, in 1960.

Social Media will most certainly play a prominent, and rightfully so, part in events. IMO, there's not a direct causal link with Social Media/Internet. It was a synergy of events coming together. The vast changes the world went through after the Cold War ended led directly to several wars which altered the GeoPolitical landscape.

Instability always leads to change. The situation is unstable now. Will the instability grow or will it shrink? Why? Why not? It depends upon what happens post-Insurrection over the next year or so before We, the People will be able to see what paths are being chosen. Are the paths coming together or going apart? Just paralleling?

All three are different times. Anybody tries to do anything, it will be without large forces. No way any part of our military is moving on government or the rest of the nation. Nor any state governments amassing forces and having a go at the feds. The thought of it is preposterous. #notgonnahappen.

Only thing that might happen might be some idiots who have watched too many movies think they are going to do something big, they try their plan, do whatever damage they begin with, the nation is shocked by it, the authorities take charge, figure out what happened, who is responsible, and bring them to justice. It's all reported duly in the evening news with weeks of follow-up stories. The criminals get their moments of fame, and they end up dead or incarcerated, probably for life. And they are pretty much forgotten. Another chapter in our history is written. The USA goes ahead as before.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

All three are different times. Anybody tries to do anything, it will be without large forces. No way any part of our military is moving on government or the rest of the nation. Nor any state governments amassing forces and having a go at the feds. The thought of it is preposterous. #notgonnahappen.

Only thing that might happen might be some idiots who have watched too many movies think they are going to do something big, they try their plan, do whatever damage they begin with, the nation is shocked by it, the authorities take charge, figure out what happened, who is responsible, and bring them to justice. It's all reported duly in the evening news with weeks of follow-up stories. The criminals get their moments of fame, and they end up dead or incarcerated, probably for life. And they are pretty much forgotten. Another chapter in our history is written. The USA goes ahead as before.
Dude, they already tried something on 1/6. No doubt all the Insurrectionists will be rounded up, but the 70+M votes for Trump won't go away.

Biden has the right idea about "unity" but I doubt the Democratic Party itself has the same interest. They'll fuck this up.
Hello Darth,

Accepting the existence of a designer is ridiculously easy and ironically, it’s gotten easier since Darwin’s day. Darwin postulated the existence of ‘blobs of protoplasm’ as the first cells and natural selection took over from there. He actually spent very little time on the question of abiogenesis and sought to explain his theory of natural selection instead.

But those little boobs of protoplasm turned out to be marvels of miniaturized complexity. There’s nothing ‘simple’ about a simple cell and the more we/they understand about them the more compelling the case for design becomes. Except that science has a prior commitment to seeking only naturalistic mechanisms as explanations for phenomena.

Same ditto for the universe. Design is apparent in the fine tuning of the physical constants; and in fact, the universe was assumed to be designed until a couple hundred years ago. That assumption didn’t seem to harm Newton’s contributions.

I take exception with the comment that: " the universe was assumed to be designed until a couple hundred years ago."

"The etymological root for the word atheism originated before the 5th century BCE from the ancient Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)"." Wiki
Hello Darth,

I take exception with the comment that: " the universe was assumed to be designed until a couple hundred years ago."

"The etymological root for the word atheism originated before the 5th century BCE from the ancient Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)"." Wiki

Sir Isaac Newton assumed design in nature and he found it. At minimum, he found nothing that would contradict it.

Still holds true to this day.