Darth Omar
Russian asset
So you are willing to look beyond your faith? I have always stated that it's possible there is some kind of design in the universe. Obviously we have laws of physics so that shows "design" in nature.
Accepting the existence of a designer is ridiculously easy and ironically, it’s gotten easier since Darwin’s day. Darwin postulated the existence of ‘blobs of protoplasm’ as the first cells and natural selection took over from there. He actually spent very little time on the question of abiogenesis and sought to explain his theory of natural selection instead.
But those little boobs of protoplasm turned out to be marvels of miniaturized complexity. There’s nothing ‘simple’ about a simple cell and the more we/they understand about them the more compelling the case for design becomes. Except that science has a prior commitment to seeking only naturalistic mechanisms as explanations for phenomena.
Same ditto for the universe. Design is apparent in the fine tuning of the physical constants; and in fact, the universe was assumed to be designed until a couple hundred years ago. That assumption didn’t seem to harm Newton’s contributions.