Biden virus death counter

Hey Creepy Joe, you have now killed 323,852 Americans, is it time we should "lower our expectations."
Hey poopy pants, get your depends back to the US and tell us your "plan".
you have already killed 333,275 Americans.
The unvaxxed Trumpers are the ones hospitalized and dying. They are also the ones continuing the spread of this virus and inviting new strains.

Stupid and selfish asswipes.

Deaths among the unvaccinated peaked the week starting August 8, at 13.23 per 100,000 population, while deaths among those who had been vaccinated with one of the three products remained under four per 100,000 that week. For the vaccinated, deaths were numerically highest among Johnson & Johnson recipients, at 3.14 per 100,000, followed by Pfizer at 1.43, and Moderna at 0.73.
Another completely stupid thread by lying fish. It is the unvaccinated who are in hospitals. It is suicide by insufficient logic and brainpower. Ho can anyone can think a vaccine with nearly zero side effects is worse than a simple vaccine. We have taken vaccines for a century, now they are dangerous and the Trump virus is not.
388,729 Dead all killed by Brandon who told us all he will cure cancer and defeat the China virus.
Great work
Yep, COVID is deadly serious, which you are now very belatedly recognizing.

So then why did you and Trumpf spend most of the last 12 months downplaying and denying the risk posed by COVID? Why did you and Trumpf imply it was no worse than the seasonal cold?
Dr. Scott Atlas – Fauci Undermined Trump, Misled Americans On COVID; ‘I Was Stunned at What I Saw,’ (VIDEO)
Are the public health bureaucrats, these three doctors you cite, so powerful that President Trump felt he had no choice but to go along with their guidance?

So when you speak about this, the president understood and said it multiple times before I got there and while I was there, that we need to open up and increase the protection of the elderly, the targeted protection, so-called focus protection, meaning increase the protection.

The president understood this. The problem was while he was saying that, the task force said something very different. The task force was on its own.

The task force was speaking forward to the states and to the American people, 24/7, really, a totally different message. So they were on their own and they were, they, the task force doctors, Dr. Birx, and to the people, Dr. Fauci were espousing a completely different policy not consistent with what the president wanted, but more importantly, the wrong policy.

388,729 Americans have died from COVID-19 since President Joe Biden took office.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," Biden said in the opening remarks of the showdown that comes just 12 days before the election.

According to slow Joe, he should step down, right?

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According to slow Joe, he should step down, right?

Are you crazy? :eek2:

Omicron will not be the last variant. The righty anti Vaxers are keeping the Trump virus alive and mutating. Who knows how bad it can get, but their antiscience stance will allow us to find out.
He does have a plan. You are a moron. He’s done more in a week than Trump did in 10 months.
More deaths under Biden than Trump.

Not to worry, Biden says he will stop Covid.

WATCH: 'I will end this,' Biden says of pandemic › watch
Oct 22, 2020 — Former Vice President Joe Biden criticized President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic during the final presidential ...
Omicron will not be the last variant. The righty anti Vaxers are keeping the Trump virus alive and mutating. Who knows how bad it can get, but their antiscience stance will allow us to find out.

It's the China virus, dummy and Slow Joe has promised to stop it.