Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
I wasn't a witness to any of it, so I cannot pass any judgement.
There's nothing to judge. There's only the factual results and the events that led to those results.
Join the NPA!

I wasn't a witness to any of it, so I cannot pass any judgement.
I don't think refusing to abide by one of Damos dumb, arbitrary rules is necessarily either a reflection on character or on writing ability.There's nothing to judge. There's only the factual results and the events that led to those results.
Join the NPA!
I don't think refusing to abide by one of Damos dumb, arbitrary rules is necessarily either a reflection on character or on writing ability.
I never suggested the ban was unwarranted in light of the established rules of the board.
My point from the beginning was a ban like that isn't always a reflection on the value of a poster'scontributions.
I have never tried to weaponize the 12b rule to get rid of anyone.
Mina served your warped ass up on a platter too, I see.![]()
Mina talked like she majored in gaslighting.
I don't know. All I know is he's a paranoid liar scared shitless of being revealed. He also hates Jews and believes they were behind 9/11.
Thanks. goat is obviously a sock; no one comes to JPP and immediately knows all the players unless they've been here recently. Yurt was last here in 2019. Who do you think goat was before he became "goat"?
You're free to hate me, Lig. I don't know what drives your anger, but I hope you find peace.
only woke progressive shit tards would turn an idiot that can't follow rules into a martyr
so smart. so dreamy. so sad they were banned.![]()
Her name is Minty.
Damo did. Jack's 12b was his fourth offense; he should have been permabanned like so many others on their fourth. He's lucky Damo showed mercy.
Not Yurt.
Yurt is Jewish.
Real name or her Amazon name? I know her as Life is Golden, Lig for short.
Old Username New Username Date Changed Changed By
America First Abrams Life is Golden 22:20, 13th February 2019 Life is Golden
America First America First Abrams 14:20, 21st November 2018 Life is Golden
The Great Trumpkin America First 22:31, 7th November 2018 Life is Golden
Stargazer The Great Trumpkin 18:16, 14th October 2018 Life is Golden
Trump Diva Stargazer 17:13, 8th August 2018 Life is Golden
Of course it isn't her real name.
She first posted here as Mint Julip while posting elsewhere as Minty.
I didn't really pay attention to Damo's grievances. The little bit I read of Mina was head and shoulders above TDAK, Voksrock, PMP, Truth Deflector, et al. whether or not I agreed without everything Mina wrote.
Mina directly refused to obey rule 12b and asked Damo to permaban her.
I don't think she will return.
Real name or her Amazon name? I know her as Life is Golden, Lig for short.
Old Username New Username Date Changed Changed By
America First Abrams Life is Golden 22:20, 13th February 2019 Life is Golden
America First America First Abrams 14:20, 21st November 2018 Life is Golden
The Great Trumpkin America First 22:31, 7th November 2018 Life is Golden
Stargazer The Great Trumpkin 18:16, 14th October 2018 Life is Golden
Trump Diva Stargazer 17:13, 8th August 2018 Life is Golden
MintJulep was my username when I started posting on message boards back in the 90s and thru the years. The name was never Minty, it is what people called me. I never used that name here. Only a few here knew me by that name and the cunt wasn't one of them.Mint Julip would have to be another account since her username history doesn't reflect "Mint Julip".