Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

Maxine Waters urges people to ‘defy’ Supreme Court after abortion ruling
by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter | | June 24, 2022 06:38 PM

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Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to “defy” the Supreme Court after it overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, telling protesters in Washington, D.C., that the decision won’t stop women from obtaining abortions.

Waters appeared outside the Supreme Court building as a massive crowd gathered in response to the ruling, joining other Democratic lawmakers who voiced their support for codifying abortion rights and expanding the court.
well she's right, no change in her district at all. its like it never happened.

and at least she's saying just pass a law. SCOTUS cannot write legislation which was the half the point of this decision (no right, no law).

but still the moonbats howl like SCOTUS will just go "nevermind" and take it back...
Maxine Waters urges people to ‘defy’ Supreme Court after abortion ruling
by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter | | June 24, 2022 06:38 PM

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Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to “defy” the Supreme Court after it overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, telling protesters in Washington, D.C., that the decision won’t stop women from obtaining abortions.

Waters appeared outside the Supreme Court building as a massive crowd gathered in response to the ruling, joining other Democratic lawmakers who voiced their support for codifying abortion rights and expanding the court.

I don't give a shit about what Watters says. She's not my rep. People like you have to search far and wide to find a dem who's a nut.

All we have to do to find a GOP who's a nut.. is just look at anyone. Wanna talk about MTG's Jewish space lasers, Princess?
I don't give a shit about what Watters says. She's not my rep. People like you have to search far and wide to find a dem who's a nut.

All we have to do to find a GOP who's a nut.. is just look at anyone. Wanna talk about MTG's Jewish space lasers, Princess?

Racists love attacking a black woman.
well she's right, no change in her district at all. its like it never happened.

and at least she's saying just pass a law. SCOTUS cannot write legislation which was the half the point of this decision (no right, no law).

but still the moonbats howl like SCOTUS will just go "nevermind" and take it back...

SCOTUS just gave the ok to outlaw abortion in half the country. There was no question that was going to happen. Your think you're so smart with your, "it's up to the states" bullshit.

You twumptards are such morons and assholes, Julie.
I don't give a shit about what Watters says. She's not my rep. People like you have to search far and wide to find a dem who's a nut.

All we have to do to find a GOP who's a nut.. is just look at anyone. Wanna talk about MTG's Jewish space lasers, Princess?

Here you have a dem congressperson calling for violent insurrection.
Racists love attacking a black woman.

They have to scour the internet to find some bullshit, any bullshit to cherry-pick..

and yes, the fact that Watters continually acts like the stereotypical, "angry black woman" does not help her cause.

But again.. there are so many more nuts in the GOP, it's like a confectionary worker's poop.
Give her exact words

Then let’s go get your fat ugly orange assholes words before J/6

“You ain't seen nothing yet," Waters said just feet away from court. "Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us. The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them. Women will be in control of their bodies. And if they think black women are intimidated or afraid, they got another thought coming."
They have to scour the internet to find some bullshit, any bullshit to cherry-pick..

and yes, the fact that Watters continually acts like the stereotypical, "angry black woman" does not help her cause.

But again.. there are so many more nuts in the GOP, it's like a confectionary worker's poop.

maybe you should get her a memo about wearing blackface too much.
“You ain't seen nothing yet," Waters said just feet away from court. "Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us. The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them. Women will be in control of their bodies. And if they think black women are intimidated or afraid, they got another thought coming."

Not a word of violence there ass munch

So its a fucking lie
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