I don't give a shit. She's a nutjob no matter what she says. I have zero respect for her. She's a lighting rod for controversy.
I don't give a shit. She's a nutjob no matter what she says. I have zero respect for her. She's a lighting rod for controversy.
You picked a black Congresswoman to direct your hatred and to seek violent reprisals. Is that a coincidence, Fredo?
I don't give a shit. She's a nutjob no matter what she says. I have zero respect for her. She's a lighting rod for controversy.
You only cheer others to do it. There’s a word for people like you, Fredo.
You have been buying right wing stupid on her
Name what she did that made you hate her
I don't hate her. I just don't respect her and feel her district would be better served any anyone else. And by "anyone else" I mean any other Democrat - except with good judgement.
i counsel others toward peace as well.
You don’t know why you hate her huh?
You bought lies about her is why
If not
Tell us what she did wrong
You can’t huh
so i'm guessing that you did NOT report Ms Waters to the FBI like you reported me?
After killing all the globalists and mud people?i counsel others toward peace as well.
Maxine Waters urges people to ‘defy’ Supreme Court after abortion ruling
by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter | | June 24, 2022 06:38 PM
Just In...
The Thirty Years' War to build an anti-Roe majority on the Supreme Court
Oslo nightclub shooting investigated as terrorist attack
Joe Biden signs gun legislation
Zeldin leads topsy-turvy NY GOP race over Giuliani
White House Report Card: Biden could get bounce from Dobbs
Biden bets on Roe reversal to reverse Democrats' fortunes ahead of November
Schiff says committee has 'evidence' Trump was involved in fake elector plot
FBI investigating 'series of attacks and threats' against pregnancy centers and faith-based groups
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to “defy” the Supreme Court after it overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, telling protesters in Washington, D.C., that the decision won’t stop women from obtaining abortions.
Waters appeared outside the Supreme Court building as a massive crowd gathered in response to the ruling, joining other Democratic lawmakers who voiced their support for codifying abortion rights and expanding the court.
There's you and Fredo to phone in death threats to her and file criminal complaints. Why am I needed in your little race war?
Maxine Waters urges people to ‘defy’ Supreme Court after abortion ruling
by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter | | June 24, 2022 06:38 PM
Just In...
The Thirty Years' War to build an anti-Roe majority on the Supreme Court
Oslo nightclub shooting investigated as terrorist attack
Joe Biden signs gun legislation
Zeldin leads topsy-turvy NY GOP race over Giuliani
White House Report Card: Biden could get bounce from Dobbs
Biden bets on Roe reversal to reverse Democrats' fortunes ahead of November
Schiff says committee has 'evidence' Trump was involved in fake elector plot
FBI investigating 'series of attacks and threats' against pregnancy centers and faith-based groups
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) vowed to “defy” the Supreme Court after it overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, telling protesters in Washington, D.C., that the decision won’t stop women from obtaining abortions.
Waters appeared outside the Supreme Court building as a massive crowd gathered in response to the ruling, joining other Democratic lawmakers who voiced their support for codifying abortion rights and expanding the court.
that must mean you implicitly approve of her violent rhetoric...........why do you support domestic terrorism from the left?
liberals are the epitome of insanity for thinking that outlawing abortions won't stop women from getting abortions, but banning guns will stop people from getting guns
you know i do not advocate violence.
Im amish. except for substanc abuse and whoring around.
we need a 6/24 committee to investigate federal officials who incited the insurrection.....
QED. You too. LOL
America is a just country. A nation of laws. However, as the RW SCOTUS scumbags are proving, it can also be biased. In the case of elderly, hateful geezers like you inciting violence and mass murder of innocent Americans, I expect all that will happen is you'll be convicted and sentenced to no computers for 10 years...effectively a life sentence.
Enjoy trying to talk to all the other zombies in your facility.
we need a 6/24 committee to investigate federal officials who incited the insurrection.....