The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts sa

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! you THINK you're going to do that........and I don't doubt you believe it. but 1, you're not sane. 2, you THINK your opponents are just the 'fascist' haven't seen the force that will finally be tired of your leftie/rightie bullshit and the real patriots of this country decide to do away with your traitorous and racist bullshit.

:rofl2: Ah, lookie, the #Oathkeeper/Threeper has finally flung off his good little sheep clothes and shown us his support for #TheTrumpCivilWar. Nicely done! Do you like my hashtags? Guess who looks for things like that?
:rofl2: Ah, lookie, the #Oathkeeper/Threeper has finally flung off his good little sheep clothes and shown us his support for #TheTrumpCivilWar. Nicely done! Do you like my hashtags? Guess who looks for things like that?

hey moron............if trumptard the only thing you're capable of thinking? two dimensional world much, moron???? and FUCK whoever sees your fucking stupid hashtags. i've been saying things like this for a decade and NOBODY has paid me a fucking visit.
If you know all this stuff and ain't afraid of no ghost, why did you drop the #Oathkeeper #Freeper from your title under your screen name -- right after the #Jan6Insurrection? Scared?

I explained that many times........are you incapable of any memory retention? is that what your problem is? or are you just too filled with hate to bother remembering important details?
They won’t kill for your insane ideas idiot

The cops will merely blow you away

The vast majority of our veterans have not engaged in combat. They may have served in combat areas but still don't have actual combat (someone shooting back at you) experience.

StupiderThanAll is an impotent wannabe Rambo who's currently intoxicated, and who believes the craziest conspiracy shit you can think of -- even when sober.
The vast majority of our veterans have not engaged in combat. They may have served in combat areas but still don't have actual combat (someone shooting back at you) experience.

StupiderThanAll is an impotent wannabe Rambo who's currently intoxicated, and who believes the craziest conspiracy shit you can think of -- even when sober.

whatever makes your quicksand solid, karen.
oh, honeypie, it ain't the government that the far right loons have to worry about. It's us sane Americans who own weapons for defense against fascists like yourself, whether you're in the government or doing terrorism like your friend tried the other day. You try a civil war in my neck of the woods, and you're my friends Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson are the last people you'll ever meet.

This is neither true nor helpful.
It is murder and you will be in jail.

How about shut the fuck up.
The far right is calling for civil war after the FBI raid on Trump's home. Experts say that fight wouldn't look like the last one

Let them bring it on. Next time, our heroes in uniform won't hold their fire.

The good news? Not a single JPP geezer will be there. :rofl2:

I explained that many times........

I've never seen it and TOW has an interesting point. All the loudmouthed WSE assholes on JPP have gone silent ever since the treason of 1/6. Why?

My guess is 1) most are loudmouthed chickenshits only brave behind an anonymous keyboard and 2) the ones with actual spine have realized that Trump's promise of pardons was bullshit just like everything else he spews.
