San Francisco votes to allow lethal force police robots

the problem is your lack of good judgement in who are the bad guys, traitor.
People who label honorable, honest Americans like myself as "traitors" are the bad guys.

People who advocate murdering Federal agents are the bad guys. People who consider murdering children as "collateral damage" are the bad guys, dumbass.

Are these the posts of a rational, honest American? Or are they the violent rantings of a terrorist?:
you were never taught the difference between innocent civilian and collaberator...............and it shows.

i don't think you were ever a simply don't display that brotherhood.........

i'm good, new unit has been together a while...we'd know if there was a traitorous government fuckstick among us....he'd have been disappeared already
this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. Your emotions and feelings will do nothing but keep you a slave to tyranny

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hey traitor. i'm threatening to kill people that come to violate my rights, not because of a disagreement. get it straight.

also, MY interpretation is based upon the simple text of the constitution. what is yours based on?

Civil war death threats
so why are you even worked up ?

you advocate civil war for what?
survival. strike first, strike hard, no mercy.

there can be no resolution with traitors to the constitution and freedom, like yourself.
you have no good guys with guns, remember? your racist ass will end up dead in the resulting civil war. we will not tolerate racists like you living amongst us

we will not allow racists like you to determine what is and isn't a republic. we will kill you first
Only criminals label informants as "snitches". Good, honest Americans consider them to be whistle-blowers, good citizens, honest Americans, etc. YMMV since you are violent WSE member.

your logic is the same bullshit that you leftists use towards anyone disrespecting ANTIFA.........I bet you sided with the the chancellor in 'V for Vendetta', didn't you?
your logic is the same bullshit that you leftists use towards anyone disrespecting ANTIFA.........I bet you sided with the the chancellor in 'V for Vendetta', didn't you?
You're overly emotional reactions a common among murderous nutjobs.

Why didn't you go to 1/6 when Stewie and the other militias sounded the call? Why did you stay home that day?
You're overly emotional reactions a common among murderous nutjobs.

Why didn't you go to 1/6 when Stewie and the other militias sounded the call? Why did you stay home that day?

and there it is, your typical leftist fallback position..............I thought officers had college degrees and were smart...........guess not.
Next stop; Robo Cop.

Awesome! Texas is ahead the game. The Dallas Police shooter was killed using a robot-delivered bomb.
San Francisco supervisors vote to allow police to use robots to kill
Police Use of Robot to Kill Dallas Suspect Unprecedented, Experts Say
The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.

I bet they're racist robots right?
and there it is, your typical leftist fallback position..............I thought officers had college degrees and were smart...........guess not.

Calling you out for failing to heed the call to arms is fair game, dumbass. Trump and Stewie called, you hid in Texas. What's the problem?
Calling you out for failing to heed the call to arms is fair game, dumbass. Trump and Stewie called, you hid in Texas. What's the problem?

more lies..........but then again, you're not interested in the truth. so much for your 'honesty'..............maybe that's your can't be honest, especially with yourself.
more lies..........but then again, you're not interested in the truth. so much for your 'honesty'..............maybe that's your can't be honest, especially with yourself.

What's the lie, SSGT Dumbass? You've repeatedly denied being in the area that day.

If I dig up and post your denials, what's in it for me?
If someone has to tell us they are a "good guy" very likely they aren't or it's not apparent from their behavior.
The fact you only say that to me and not your WSE friends is telling, Yak.

OTOH, you know you are safe in your retirement home and the Feds won't be looking for you because you never do anything. LOL

What's the lie, SSGT Dumbass? You've repeatedly denied being in the area that day.

If I dig up and post your denials, what's in it for me?

I've ALWAYS said I wasn't in the area, fuckstick. what you LIE about is the reasons I wasn't there....whether it's just meant to troll or you're as shit stupid as Jarod is unknown. The topic has been discussed numerous times, yet you still persist in lying about it.........maybe I just get to live rent free in your head because you're jealous.......

so, there's NOTHING in it for you.......unless you finally decide to obtain some integrity and acknowledge WHY I wasn't there.
I've ALWAYS said I wasn't in the area, fuckstick. what you LIE about is the reasons I wasn't there....whether it's just meant to troll or you're as shit stupid as Jarod is unknown. The topic has been discussed numerous times, yet you still persist in lying about it.........maybe I just get to live rent free in your head because you're jealous.......

so, there's NOTHING in it for you.......unless you finally decide to obtain some integrity and acknowledge WHY I wasn't there.
The reasons are easy to see, SSGT Dumbass; you talk a good game but when the bugle sounds, you are no where to be found.