San Francisco votes to allow lethal force police robots

As for the robots, I expect our leaders and LEOs to exercise due diligence in utilizing the weapon. If they don't, then they should be held accountable.

and when they don't, you'll be 'disappointed', but still support your other words, you'll accept collateral damage, you fucking left wing hypocrite, but I repeat myself
and when they don't, you'll be 'disappointed', but still support your other words, you'll accept collateral damage, you fucking left wing hypocrite, but I repeat myself

Well, Sgt. Doolittle, when do you plan to start doing something about it? Trick AHZ into murdering someone you consider a traitor? A collaborator? A Federal agent? I know you won't leave your house to do it. That is risky. LOL

Collateral damage is wrong, no matter how many times you try to justify it, dumbass. It's for that reason that I have no sympathy for you facing up to your sins.

Well, Sgt. Doolittle, when do you plan to start doing something about it? Trick AHZ into murdering someone you consider a traitor? A collaborator? A Federal agent? I know you won't leave your house to do it. That is risky. LOL

Collateral damage is wrong, no matter how many times you try to justify it, dumbass. It's for that reason that I have no sympathy for you facing up to your sins.

If government kills innocents in the use of these robots, WHAT WILL YOU DO??????
If government kills innocents in the use of these robots, WHAT WILL YOU DO??????
Demand accountability.

What would you do? Blow up the police station? Convince AHZ to drive a truck bomb to the daycare center at One, Justice Way, Dallas?


Are you too chicken to reply, Sgt. Doolittle?
LOL and you should know by now that 'accountability' would be attributing the innocents death to the perpetrator they blew up. you do know this, right?

No, I don't, Sgt. Doolittle. Some might try, like the murder of George Floyd or Atatiana Jefferson, but that's for the justice system to resolve.

You've repeatedly sought to destroy the Federal government and murder all Federal agents because you feel they're violating the Constitution. By what right do you claim to murder innocent Americans, either directly or as "collateral damage"? new unit has been together a while...we'd know if there was a traitorous government fuckstick among us....he'd have been disappeared already
this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. ...
No, I don't, Sgt. Doolittle. Some might try, like the murder of George Floyd or Atatiana Jefferson, but that's for the justice system to resolve.
is that ignorance or obtuse? naivete? no, surely not from someone as supposedly intelligent as you, right?

You've repeatedly sought to destroy the Federal government and murder all Federal agents because you feel they're violating the Constitution. By what right do you claim to murder innocent Americans, either directly or as "collateral damage"?
more hyperbole.............who'd have thunk it. collateral damage happens. IT IS INEVITABLE. It is also acceptable by your beloved and precious federal government, fucking snitch.
is that ignorance or obtuse? naivete?

I'm guessing all of the above since they are your posts. Here's another one:

if you think that what we have now in this shit stain country is a democracy, YOU are the insane one.

so trump is your president and you gave your consent to be governed by him, right?

if my way is the constitution and yours is not, then YOU are the enemy. end of story. that is the constitution. when you, majority or not, disregard the constitution and violate the rights of the minority, you are the enemy.

come and try to make me, you selfish racist traitor.
You really hate America, don'tcha, son?
you really hate that I cornered you and exposed your own traitorous hypocrisy, don'tcha, statist?
Sorry, son, but I don't hate anything. You're the one advocating murdering Americans with whom you disagree.

if the enemy has to die to restore freedom, so be it. I took an oath to defend that constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Dude, you've been attacking the Constitution ever since you began advocating murdering Americans and labeling it "collateral damage".
but you ARE ok with collateral damage because these robots will not have the precision necessary. So, WHEN innocents are killed, will you still support the use of these robots because you hate right wing patriots?

Usually adding technology increases precision. A police officer is pulling the trigger here, whether it is a sniper, or a remote controlled robot. The robot would have a greater precision.

By the way, the intent here is not just to reduce death among innocent people, but also reduce death among guilty people.
Usually adding technology increases precision. A police officer is pulling the trigger here, whether it is a sniper, or a remote controlled robot. The robot would have a greater precision.

By the way, the intent here is not just to reduce death among innocent people, but also reduce death among guilty people.

Once again Walt you show your incredible ignorance. Why is every modern day democrat clueless and dumber than fuck? Answer that.
Usually adding technology increases precision. A police officer is pulling the trigger here, whether it is a sniper, or a remote controlled robot. The robot would have a greater precision.

By the way, the intent here is not just to reduce death among innocent people, but also reduce death among guilty people.

Agreed about reducing casualties with greater precision.
Agreed about reducing casualties with greater precision.

Thank you Dutch Uncle.

This is not about autonomous robots killing people, it is about using technology to increase the effectiveness of the police, and more importantly reduce the deaths. A police officer is still pulling the trigger on the use of force.
Thank you Dutch Uncle.

This is not about autonomous robots killing people, it is about using technology to increase the effectiveness of the police, and more importantly reduce the deaths. A police officer is still pulling the trigger on the use of force.

Agreed, the robots aren't autonomous. Although I think that day is coming to an extent.
The purpose of robots is usually to have greater precision, not less.

there is 'purpose' in everything, but anyone with at least average intelligence and awareness has SEEN the actual results of good government intentions............which haven't been good. MOST of the time that 'collateral damage' is accepted by simply blaming the perp..........nobody wants to blame government because y'all depend upon that theater of security blanket too much.
right, we're gonna need you to explain that bullshit, using the actual Constitution and facts, not your emotional bullshit
Who's "we", Doolittle? You and your militia plotting the murders of Federal officers and their families? new unit has been together a while...we'd know if there was a traitorous government fuckstick among us....he'd have been disappeared already

You're free to lie, threaten and categorize it all you like, Doolittle, but I support my state and Federal governments, not mass murdering wannabe traitors like you.