Other than Trump, name a past Prez that has been prosecuted after leaving office.

Perhaps she can find more dead men for Slow Joe to speak with.
You mock President Biden, but ignore the fact that Trump did it as well, remember the Frederick Douglas comment? Trump mixes people up more often than Biden.
She's an educator.

With a PhD even.

From the Wikipedia entry about her:

She resumed teaching at NOVA, albeit at first on a remote basis over Zoom due to the pandemic.[129] This has made her the first wife of a sitting U.S. president to hold a paying job outside the White House.[130][131] For security reasons and for students who are looking to add a class taught by Biden, her classes at NOVA have often been listed as instructed by "staff".[83] She has stayed up late in the White House quarters to review assignments she has given her students.[131] In September 2021 she returned to in-person teaching at NOVA.[132] Her presence there exemplified the Biden administration's desire to get students and teachers back to physical schools;[132] she subsequently said "thank God we all got off Zoom".[133] Security for her classes became tighter than it had been as second lady, with students having to go through a metal detector and initially getting a security briefing.[134] She has maintained her reputation as a tough grader who gave a lot of homework.[134]

First ladies are expected to have one or more causes that they advocate for, and Biden's have been military families, education, and aspects of health care.[134] The same day may see her teaching classes at the college and then flying to an appearance as first lady.[135] Of managing her professional life, her family roles, and her first lady activities all together, Biden has said, "You can't do anything in a haphazard way. You have to have purpose while you're doing it, and it has to be organized. That's the key to it."[133]
For someone who has falsely claimed to be both a nurse and a physician, you certainly spend a lot of time denigrating other professions and professionals. Why is that, Inadequate Andi?

Why is it that you think teaching remedial English to Community College students is a major professional achievement , nurse 007.