Psychiatrist sees signs Biden was medicated for State of the Union performance

A psychiatrist who has worked with elderly dementia patients said President Biden exhibited signs of stimulant use to mask cognitive decline in his amped-up, aggressive State of the Union speech on Thursday.

Mr. Biden, 81, often raced through his remarks with the speed of an auctioneer, loudly shouting his words despite having a microphone in front of him.

Speed and volume of speech can be a sign of using Adderall or another amphetamine, said Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, California.

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” she said.

Dr. Lieberman, who has not personally examined the president, said the signs of potential pharmaceutical use go beyond how Mr. Biden spoke during the nearly 90-minute speech, but also in his mannerisms.

For example, Mr. Biden typically rests his hands on the podium while delivering a speech from the teleprompter. During the State of the Union, he frequently gestured and moved with his hands at a rapid rate, she said.

At various points, Mr. Biden appeared to slur some of his words. That’s not new for the president, who sometimes slurs his words when he gets excited, but Dr. Lieberman said the speed in which he slurred suggested he was “psychopharmacology helped.”

“It was a word salad on speed,” she said.

Mr. Biden’s unusually energetic performance raised some questions on social media.

“No one is going to remember a single thing Biden says tonight. Everyone is going to remember how weirdly amped up he is and how bizarrely fast he’s speaking,” former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer wrote on X.

Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster and political consultant, wrote on social media that Mr. Biden’s address was “the loudest State of the Union speech I can remember.”

“Let’s see whether undecided voters like being yelled out,” he said.

The White House dismissed the criticism as well as the question about possible drug use.

“The translation of that is they agree with us that Joe Biden hit a home run. Republicans cried after he beat Paul Ryan in their 2012 debate, and it didn’t work then, either. Sorry the president kept them up past their bedtime last night,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement to The Washington Times.

There is some evidence that Adderall, which is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, could also be used to treat cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

A 2022 study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry found medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall, can generally improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s patients.

“It’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Dr. Lieberman said of Adderall. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”

Regardless, Dr. Lieberman said she’s noticed signs of what she believes is a cognitive decline in the president during the State the Union remarks. She said it was most apparent in his two biggest gaffes of the evening.

At one point, Mr. Biden appeared to flub a joke about how expensive prescription drugs are in America compared to other countries.

“Any of you want to get in Air Force One with me and fly to Toronto, Berlin, Moscow — I mean, excuse — And, well, even Moscow probably,” Mr. Biden said.

In another miscue, Mr. Biden bungled the name of Laken Riley, a young nursing student in Georgia whose murder is being blamed on an illegal immigrant.

“Lanken — Lanken Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed,” Mr. Biden said, according to the official White House transcript, though it sounded like he called her Lincoln Riley.

“He couldn’t correct his mistakes. He mentioned Moscow in a sentence where it made no sense. You could see him try to fix it, but he didn’t know how to correct himself. He couldn’t say the correct word,” Dr. Lieberman said. “Anyone could trip over Laken Riley’s name but he didn’t know how to correct it. If he knew enough about her to talk about her, he would know enough to call her by the right name.”

She also said anger and shouting on display Thursday night could be a sign of dementia because some patients can become frustrated ahead of important events and respond aggressively.

“The emotional volatility is a sign of dementia and was amped up because of the Adderall or amphetamine they gave him,” she said. “He wasn’t just talking loudly. He was shouting in a room where everyone could hear him and he had a microphone.”

It is not the first time someone has suggested Mr. Biden has had to take medication to stay on message. In 2020, President Trump accused Mr. Biden of using drugs to enhance his performance during the Democratic primary debates.

Mr. Trump went so far as to demand Mr. Biden take a drug test before their first debate, adding that he would take a test himself.

“I think there’s probably — possibly — drugs involved,” Mr. Trump said at the time.

This part of the diatribe exposes it as the political hit job it is:

He couldn’t say the correct word,” Dr. Lieberman said. “Anyone could trip over Laken Riley’s name but he didn’t know how to correct it. If he knew enough about her to talk about her, he would know enough to call her by the right name.”

In the first place Biden didn't trip over her name and so never tried to correct it. He lisped the name as he sometimes does and there was no sign he thought he had mispronounced it. But it's the second criticism that is most revealing. Biden is a serious guy,
known to work at his desk all day on all kinds of national and international matters that come before a President. Anyone one in those Presidential shoes might have no immediate recall of the name of a recent murder victim making a splash in the news.
So it wasn't that "he knew enough about her to talk about her". He talked about her because she was in the script.

Dr. Lieberman sounds like someone who wanted to get her own name in the news,
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Perhaps the cocaine found at the White House was Joe's, not Cocaine Hunter's.

Not Hunters either. He has access to the Whitehouse. He does not need lockers. It was likely a right-wing newspersons drugs. I think before a debate, Biden and Trump should take a drug rest and a physical.
And if all of a sudden you started screaming instead of speaking in a normal tone of voice, wouldn't your family be concerned? I'm sure you gave Union speeches where you may not have been happy with the status quo...did you have to scream get attention...or make a point? More importantly, did you lie and refuse to take responsibility for your personal actions?
Poor Joe.... "Another thing, that kind of anger and aggression is also a sign of dementia, or maybe head trauma. Maybe he had a stroke? " (CF) Someone here just posted you agree?

I did. And that you refuse to acknowledge anger and aggression in trump, after seeing all the videos and rallies, is telling...
This part of the diatribe exposes it as the political hit job it is:

He couldn’t say the correct word,” Dr. Lieberman said. “Anyone could trip over Laken Riley’s name but he didn’t know how to correct it. If he knew enough about her to talk about her, he would know enough to call her by the right name.”

In the first place Biden didn't trip over her name and so never tried to correct it. He lisped the name as he sometimes does and there was no sign he thought he had mispronounced it. But it's the second criticism that is most revealing. Biden is a serious guy,
known to work at his desk all day on all kinds of national and international matters that come before a President. Anyone one in those Presidential shoes might have no immediate recall of the name of a recent murder victim making a splash in the news.
So it wasn't that "he knew enough about her to talk about her". He talked about her because she was in the script.

Dr. Lieberman sounds like someone who wanted to get her own name in the news,

She must love seeing her name in the news. She's the one who said there was a correlation between violent video games and sexual assault. Yet she couldn't cite any study, statistic or evidence that backed this claim.

"Lieberman has appeared as a media expert for TV news,[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] radio talk shows,[SUP][4][/SUP] print publications, and other media outlets.[SUP][5][/SUP] She has appeared on The Dr. Phil show; The Insider: Celebrity Stalking and the Role of Social Media, CBS news, NBC news, ABC news, KTLA news, The Morton Report,[SUP][6][/SUP] news blogs[SUP][7][/SUP] and other media resources in both the U.S. and abroad."
She must love seeing her name in the news. She's the one who said there was a correlation between violent video games and sexual assault. Yet she couldn't cite any study, statistic or evidence that backed this claim.

"Lieberman has appeared as a media expert for TV news,[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] radio talk shows,[SUP][4][/SUP] print publications, and other media outlets.[SUP][5][/SUP] She has appeared on The Dr. Phil show; The Insider: Celebrity Stalking and the Role of Social Media, CBS news, NBC news, ABC news, KTLA news, The Morton Report,[SUP][6][/SUP] news blogs[SUP][7][/SUP] and other media resources in both the U.S. and abroad."

Sounds like a real fruitcake.
They used it up before it could be hidden...


A psychiatrist who has worked with elderly dementia patients said President Biden exhibited signs of stimulant use to mask cognitive decline in his amped-up, aggressive State of the Union speech on Thursday.

Mr. Biden, 81, often raced through his remarks with the speed of an auctioneer, loudly shouting his words despite having a microphone in front of him.

Speed and volume of speech can be a sign of using Adderall or another amphetamine, said Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, California.

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” she said.

Dr. Lieberman, who has not personally examined the president, said the signs of potential pharmaceutical use go beyond how Mr. Biden spoke during the nearly 90-minute speech, but also in his mannerisms.

For example, Mr. Biden typically rests his hands on the podium while delivering a speech from the teleprompter. During the State of the Union, he frequently gestured and moved with his hands at a rapid rate, she said.

At various points, Mr. Biden appeared to slur some of his words. That’s not new for the president, who sometimes slurs his words when he gets excited, but Dr. Lieberman said the speed in which he slurred suggested he was “psychopharmacology helped.”

“It was a word salad on speed,” she said.

Mr. Biden’s unusually energetic performance raised some questions on social media.

“No one is going to remember a single thing Biden says tonight. Everyone is going to remember how weirdly amped up he is and how bizarrely fast he’s speaking,” former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer wrote on X.

Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster and political consultant, wrote on social media that Mr. Biden’s address was “the loudest State of the Union speech I can remember.”

“Let’s see whether undecided voters like being yelled out,” he said.

The White House dismissed the criticism as well as the question about possible drug use.

“The translation of that is they agree with us that Joe Biden hit a home run. Republicans cried after he beat Paul Ryan in their 2012 debate, and it didn’t work then, either. Sorry the president kept them up past their bedtime last night,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement to The Washington Times.

There is some evidence that Adderall, which is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, could also be used to treat cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

A 2022 study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry found medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall, can generally improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s patients.

“It’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Dr. Lieberman said of Adderall. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”

Regardless, Dr. Lieberman said she’s noticed signs of what she believes is a cognitive decline in the president during the State the Union remarks. She said it was most apparent in his two biggest gaffes of the evening.

At one point, Mr. Biden appeared to flub a joke about how expensive prescription drugs are in America compared to other countries.

“Any of you want to get in Air Force One with me and fly to Toronto, Berlin, Moscow — I mean, excuse — And, well, even Moscow probably,” Mr. Biden said.

In another miscue, Mr. Biden bungled the name of Laken Riley, a young nursing student in Georgia whose murder is being blamed on an illegal immigrant.

“Lanken — Lanken Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed,” Mr. Biden said, according to the official White House transcript, though it sounded like he called her Lincoln Riley.

“He couldn’t correct his mistakes. He mentioned Moscow in a sentence where it made no sense. You could see him try to fix it, but he didn’t know how to correct himself. He couldn’t say the correct word,” Dr. Lieberman said. “Anyone could trip over Laken Riley’s name but he didn’t know how to correct it. If he knew enough about her to talk about her, he would know enough to call her by the right name.”

She also said anger and shouting on display Thursday night could be a sign of dementia because some patients can become frustrated ahead of important events and respond aggressively.

“The emotional volatility is a sign of dementia and was amped up because of the Adderall or amphetamine they gave him,” she said. “He wasn’t just talking loudly. He was shouting in a room where everyone could hear him and he had a microphone.”

It is not the first time someone has suggested Mr. Biden has had to take medication to stay on message. In 2020, President Trump accused Mr. Biden of using drugs to enhance his performance during the Democratic primary debates.

Mr. Trump went so far as to demand Mr. Biden take a drug test before their first debate, adding that he would take a test himself.

“I think there’s probably — possibly — drugs involved,” Mr. Trump said at the time.

Utter bullshit.
There is no question brandon was on some sort of drug cocktail as his speeches the following weekend were the usual pathetic brandon we all have come to witness.
Apparently, Biden was...

My understanding is that 1) that entrance isn't used by the Bidens and 2) both were out of town when it happened....unless you believe the stash was in there for several days before discovery?
My understanding is that 1) that entrance isn't used by the Bidens and 2) both were out of town when it happened....unless you believe the stash was in there for several days before discovery?

I have no clue where it came from. All I know is that it was there. In the White House.
There is no question brandon was on some sort of drug cocktail as his speeches the following weekend were the usual pathetic brandon we all have come to witness.

Yes, there is. You are lying again. Biden was able to speak for over an hour with all the rude and crude interruptions by goofball Trumpys. You are back to that lie again.,
I have no clue where it came from. All I know is that it was there. In the White House.

The same place but different administration handing out speed and xanax?
Speed and Xanax Were Reportedly Rampant in Trump's White House
Four former senior administration officials and others who worked at the White House during Trump's four-year tenure as POTUS said that staffers were often given speed for things as minor as an energy boost during a particularly long shift. The drug was allegedly handed out when staffers worked late on Trump's speeches, during the lengthy response to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe, and various other times of intense workload.

"It was kind of like the Wild West. Things were pretty loose. Whatever someone needs, we were going to fill this," said one source. Modafinil, which also goes by the brand name Provigil, was among the most distributed drugs by the White House Medical Unit, but Xanax was also spread around a lot, according to three sources. Two people added that even senior officials were getting the anti-anxiety medication prescribed and would share it with others.

Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham described the working conditions for White House staffers as "grueling" at times, especially when overseas trips were involved. Trump's physician Dr. Ronny Jackson would apparently "come around Air Force One asking Donald Trump’s senior staff if they needed anything." Drugs he would offer included Provigil and Ambien. "When this happened on Air Force One, a nurse would be trailing him, writing down who got what," Grisham added.