So, you believe that nonsense do you?
Who do you think pays tariffs? Do you think the corporations do it out of the goodness of their heart and impact their bottom line? I have news for you. That isn't how industry works.
If the Tariffs are intended to bring manufacturing back home I'm all for it. But realize that will take YEARS to do and will cost a lot of money. Again, the corporation isn't going to foot the bill out of the goodness of their heart. They will pass the cost on to you.
The most important bit you are missing is: once the manufacturing jobs DO come back to America you will be paying a LOT more for the goods because Americans will NOT work for pennies on the dollar in sweatshop conditions. So you will pay more for the goods because the corporation will have to charge more to pay their workers.
All of that is fine by me. I'm just curious how a group of people who are currently screaming bloody murder over the price increases due to inflation will handle it.
Deporting illegals is cheap and easy
That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. It will not be cheap. What do you think you are going to do? Point a gun at them and tell them to just walk back to Mexico?
C'mon, even you aren't that stupid.
if you simply make laws that make it impossible or difficult for them to live here. They will mostly self-deport. Would you stay in a country where:
You are risking arrest and detention for interacting with the government or police?
You cannot get identification?
You cannot get a job?
That last one isn't going to be a problem. Americans LOVE illegal immigrant labor. All you need do is drive down to the Home Depot on Saturday morning to see the Americans lined up to hire "day labor" which is almost all illegal. And your contractor friends who have lawn services or construction companies hire them ALL THE TIME. Even Trump used illegal labor on some of his properties!
If you REALLY want to stop the future illegal immigrant flux then
I think America is headed where New York, Illinois, and California are already at and accelerating to. That is, the education system is worthless. Taxes are excessive and high. Public works are in shambles. Crime is insane and out of control. Businesses are harassed until they close. The government has so many rules and regulations you are hamstrung from doing virtually anything if you follow them.
Maybe if the MAGA crowd weren't so anti-police things would be better on the crime front.
As for the regulations, well, that's just your ignorance speaking. Sure there are some abusive regulations but the regulations are mostly there because YOU AND I AND ALL THE OTHER AMERICANS DEMANDED THEM.
So be careful the ones you want to cut.
Tariffs do not require more government policies. They generate revenue from imports
Who pays the tariffs? Just curious if you know.