How a Trump presidency could lead to a purge at the Pentagon

NO telling the truth to you low IQ MAGAS doesn't bother me.
I have to laugh that you are so stupid you can't comprehend what Trump has been telling you he wants to do .
Heck your so stupid when he tells you he doesn't give a shit about you all he wanted is your vote and some more if your money you morons laughed and made fools of yourselves.
I bookmarked this one to remind you what a fucking nitwit you are later when Trump has made your life better.
And EVERY one who has a job in the Federal government will have had to sign a OATH of allegiance to TRUMP over the US CONSTITUTION .
Trump supports the Constitution of the United States, Tball. YOU don't!
A bunch of UNPATRIOTIC Traitors.
You don't even know the meaning of the word.
Yes I can hear the new pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the UNUNITED states of America to the Dictatorship for witch it stands one nation divisible with justice and liberty for the chosen few.
There is no dictatorship, Tball. You are just mindlessly chanting what the Democrats tell you to chant. You have no mind.
NO telling the truth to you low IQ MAGAS doesn't bother me.
I have to laugh that you are so stupid you can't comprehend what Trump has been telling you he wants to do .
Heck your so stupid when he tells you he doesn't give a shit about you all he wanted is your vote and some more if your money you morons laughed and made fools of yourselves.
Mantra 1a. Lame.
And you wonder why I call you Captain Section 8. :rofl2:

So, what would you tell an officer in the military to do if Trump issued a legal order that you don't agree with or like?
I am reminded of being in the Madigan Medical Center maybe two years ago and hearing piped in what can only be described as Anti MAGA psyops war recordings......brainwashing.

DOD is all the way gone.....unless we unload several hundred of the top generals there is no way these people are going to defend and protect the Constitution according to their oaths.
"The CIA gives all incoming Presidents the lecture "Stay in your lane or else you get shot"".
Dmitry over statement......but not by much

Trump's blatant light-speed fast betrayal of his campaign was predictable. An objective understanding of how power actual works vs. the fantasy of "democracy" and "voting" reveals a system controled by unelected special interests that have the means and motivation to ensure no matter who wins any election, their agenda continues forward. They have the physical means to ensure their interests are served. Nothing associated with the Trump campaign added up to an alternative circle of interests. There is no mechanism, no means the American people have to ensure their interests are served vs. those who control the media, money, and military in America. In fact, these interests have created political parties/movements to ensure the American people never do aquire those mechanisms or means. Until that equation changes - nothing else will - no matter how much you hope, no matter how many times you vote.Globally, the multipolar world is rising specifically because it is creating the media/monetary/military strength to ensure its interests prevail over the unipolar world order. The US requires a similar tilt in the balance of power internally to ever tilt US policy at home or abroad.It is very likely the multipolar world will restrain and force US foreign policy to change before the American people ever do.

Maybe you should bookmark it so IF Trump does even 1/3 of what he says he wants to do and destroys this country you will remember people told you what MIGHT happen.
The Empire and country are already headed for certain collapse......the mission now is to manage the collapse.

I dont happen to think that Trump is up to the job, but voting for the Regime would have lead to our certain enslavement, at least we now have a slim chance of avoiding that fate.
Supports a wannabe mob boss to become Dictator of the United States.

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson
It's been a week since the election and he still hasn't signed and turned in the Ethics paperwork. His mouthpieces must be combing it for loopholes.
Trump supports the Constitution of the United States, Tball. YOU don't!

You don't even know the meaning of the word.

There is no dictatorship, Tball. You are just mindlessly chanting what the Democrats tell you to chant. You have no mind.
But as I said IF Trump does even 1/3 of what he says he wants to do it will be the END of the USA as we have known it all our lives.
and IT IS YOU who is the one running around spouting what Trump the want to be DICTATOR tells you to.
Be careful what you wish for once you get it and it bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
I hope and it is a BIG hope he doesn't do anything he says he wants to but Trump has been butt hurt and Pissed off for 4 years now and a pissed off asshole that is out for revenge is hard to stop
But as I said IF Trump does even 1/3 of what he says he wants to do it will be the END of the USA as we have known it all our lives.
Nah. It'll just be different...and you won't like it.
and IT IS YOU who is the one running around spouting what Trump the want to be DICTATOR tells you to.
I don't mindlessly quote propaganda like you do, Tball.
Be careful what you wish for once you get it and it bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
I hope and it is a BIG hope he doesn't do anything he says he wants to but Trump has been butt hurt and Pissed off for 4 years now and a pissed off asshole that is out for revenge is hard to stop
He certainly has reason for revenge. The Democrats certainly gave it to him, with their false accusations, their lawfare, and the assassination attempts; but Trump will simply enforce the law instead. That's what you and other Democrats fear.