A Congressional Gold Medal for NYC Subway Hero Daniel Penny? Make It So!

Tell the class, dumb fuck: What did protests over the police murder of a Black man have to do with you trailer trash storming the country's federal Capitol in an attempted coup?
You democrats lost so much ground this election. Suck it up, Buttercup. Whine, piss and moan. I love it. George Floyd was a drug-addled thug. Your kind of hero.
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Penny's problem was simply being overly aggressive, as Marines are trained to be, not that he is evil, racist or intended to kill the guy.

From what I read, Penny ignored the nutjob until he started threatening a mother and child. Who here wouldn't come to the defense of a mother and child?

As with all the court cases where Trump was judged guilty, I support the court system and believe they came to the right decision here. As for the Congressional Gold Medal, it's bullshit to recommend it in this case. It demeans the medal when it's handed out for political reasons, not the reasons for which it was intended.

The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian award given by the United States Congress.

It is awarded to persons who have made a major and long-standing impact on American history and culture.

Trump demeaned the honor by handing them out like party favors. Penny should have gone down for manslaughter. I agree that he prob. did not intend to kill the guy but the fact remains that he ignored bystanders' pleas and caused his death. He is not a hero. He is a killer.
Trump demeaned the honor by handing them out like party favors. Penny should have gone down for manslaughter. I agree that he prob. did not intend to kill the guy but the fact remains that he ignored bystanders' pleas and caused his death. He is not a hero. He is a killer.
Penny saved lives of innocent people. The jury has spoken.
The Guardian Angel Award... That would be very nice...

What kind of truly disturbed person wants to reward someone for killing an unarmed mentally ill person? Diesel is right. You need mental health care yourself. Would you be cheering on someone who choked to death your daughter or other loved one who was rowdy and drunk in public? Why not?
What kind of truly disturbed person wants to reward someone for killing an unarmed mentally ill person? Diesel is right. You need mental health care yourself. Would you be cheering on someone who choked to death your daughter or other loved one who was rowdy and drunk in public? Why not?
The mentally ill person was a threat. You creatures just never get it.
What kind of truly disturbed person wants to reward someone for killing an unarmed mentally ill person? Diesel is right. You need mental health care yourself. Would you be cheering on someone who choked to death your daughter or other loved one who was rowdy and drunk in public? Why not?
Do you lock your doors at night?
There's no doubt why such hate exists for good people like Daniel Penny, is there?

You might want someone to explain to you that it is not Penny that ppl in this thread are hating on. You know that shiny thing on the wall in your bathroom, with the big crack? Go look in that. :rofl2:
He should not have been on the subway that day... in a drug induced psychosis....threatening to kill others. and without any regard for his own life...

Ah here we go. And that girl should not have been at that party where she got raped. That guywho lost $300 shouldn't have left his wallet in the gym locker. That teacher who got shot by an intruder should have picked another job. Etc. Etc. You've always excelled at blaming the victims, while playing one yourself every single day.
Ah here we go. And that girl should not have been at that party where she got raped. That guywho lost $300 shouldn't have left his wallet in the gym locker. That teacher who got shot by an intruder should have picked another job. Etc. Etc. You've always excelled at blaming the victims, while playing one yourself every single day.
The threat to innocent life was stopped. People like you never get it.
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