Gunz, and more gunz

I believe it's a dildo. At least for you ammosexuals.
Made you wet thinking about that?
So are you suggesting that more guns means more freedom for women? Guess the only tradeoff is that at some point there are so many guns that women's children start getting gunned down in numbers so high gun violence becomes a leading cause of death of their children.

But at least they aren't wearing Burqas.
"Gun control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound."
L. Neil Smith
"Gun control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound."
L. Neil Smith

Anything in excess will result in bad outcomes.

Ask these women you care about so much how they feel seeing things like this:

So are you suggesting that more guns means more freedom for women? Guess the only tradeoff is that at some point there are so many guns that women's children start getting gunned down in numbers so high gun violence becomes a leading cause of death of their children.

But at least they aren't wearing Burqas.

The reason commies say this sort of misleading narrative is because it is the leading cause of death among black and latino children.

Guns actually decrease crimes against whites, the main reason they oppose real effective gun control, which would be ghetto sweeps and profiling the main demographics responsible for most gun violence in this country. White demographics are by and large safer than 'gun free' white Europe, and that is where most of the legally owned firearms are. When they scream for 'gun control', they just mean they want to disarm white people.

We know they don't really give a shit about 'The Children', other than as sex objects and sexual mutilation experiments.
We know they don't really give a shit about 'The Children', other than as sex objects and sexual mutilation experiments.

Did you loons learn NOTHING from the Pizza Parlour disaster? You can't just make up lies about this sort of stuff before one of the other MAGATs thinks its true and finds one of their many guns to be the answer.

But in the meantime maybe you can look at what greatness more guns in society has brought us:


Did you loons learn NOTHING from the Pizza Parlour disaster? You can't just make up lies about this sort of stuff before one of the other MAGATs thinks its true and finds one of their many guns to be the answer.

But in the meantime maybe you can look at what greatness more guns in society has brought us:



^^^Typical lame attempt at spin. No rebuttals, just parrots of nonsense. That's because facts pretty much shut down their stupid attempts at faking human empathy.
So how many times have you masturbated to that picture now?
I'm guessing you have us all beat. The libtard's bald heads and sex strikes caused a spike in self gratification. Even if you tried to cheat on the sex strike, the shaved head and permanent libtard scowl makes it much more difficult to get anyone to join you in mutual sexual gratification.
Don't wear it out, it doesn't promote rapid hair growth.