I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

I might be sble to find a fellow teacher... it would take two seconds...but of course I would leave that entirely up to him...just a favor though it shouldn't even be necessary to ask..
Just tell the truth...
Libtards live in the past and never let something they believe they are right about go, no matter how long ago it was. I suspect it's such a rare feeling it sticks with them like a catastrophic event would for normal people.

It's almost like how we remember where we were and what we were doing the moment the planes struck the towers. SAD, what's worse is they weren't even right in the first place. It's got to suck being them, really.
As you can see they're in pain...;) and for what?
If you're So sure take the wager and I'll be gone... be a hero... but you won't...no one else will either..amd its clear why.... I've always been curious why the jealousy over my career...why is that? It's really abnormal concern...

I'm curious as to why you would think that anyone would trust you to keep your end of a wager. You won't. You tried repeatedly to crawl back on Amazon after you got banned, and you tried repeatedly to sneak into the Goodreads forum using various socks. You even created one with EE's info. Unfortunately for you, the software the mods use tells them the IP addy and location of a requested member. We were pretty sure that EE didn't have a Columbus OH IP or address. :laugh:

This ^ ^ is the problem when you are dishonest and lie all the time. You are not to be trusted. So if anyone wants to take up your #DoxMePlease wager, they already know you'll reneg on it.
I wonder if someone has made a grindr or tinder profile for trunt.

As you can see they're in pain...;) and for what?
It's a long list pf reasons for their pain. Misery is their default state of being. I can't think of the last time any of the drones have said anything positive at all.

Is there a drone out there that can paste in a positive comment you've made or one of the other hive members?
As you can see they're in pain...;) and for what?
It's a long list pf reasons for their pain. Misery is their default state of being. I can't think of the last time any of the drones have said anything positive at all.

Is there a drone out there that can paste in a positive comment you've made or one of the other hive members?
I'd just love to know why they're so triggered by a career...it's so odd...;)
So apparently there is a "thing" where all leftists are to band together tomorrow, tomorrow only and not buy anything. Nothing. Nada. Not even a paper clip.
...and no one noticed. :laugh:
They are going to teach us all a lesson and tank the economy.
Apparently not! No one noticed!
I think the illegals did something like this a month ago. I didn't even notice did you?
Did they? Meh.
Also, we sorta shut down the economy every year on Christmas Day. Economy does just fine.

I think the leftists should have the courage of their convictions and go on a hunger strike straight through to the end. That will show us
Let 'em. If they want to starve themselves, I have no problem with it. The rest of the world goes on without 'em.