Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone.

Yes that explains why you are pressing someone on here for their location. You are seriously mental.

Where are you now? How about now?

@Jarod if you ever see a crazed butch lesbian looking woman screaming at people about how she really is a teacher my advice to you is..RUN!
@TOP, you psychotic fucking drunken mess of a bitch wrapped in a hydra covered in your own feces and cutting open plastic pint bottles to lick the 5 dollar vodka inside them. You are a pathological liar, a professional fraud, and a demented cunt. You can post "waiting" to the answers to personal questions that you have no right to ask all you want. No one except your dickless, Ken doll crotch, incel cucks, @Earl and @Hawkeye10, give one tiny fuck about anything you shit onto the internet or thoughts you pretend to have.
Old Jarod posted that he was at the Juniper Reef Club and his wife was cooking breakfast.

Too funny.
It was two hours ago that you posted this, but I still have 7 pages of posts to read. Please tell me that someone told you that you don't have a fucking clue about what you're talking about and that you had the good sense to shut the fuck up and slither back underneath your rock.
Too funny.
You and @TOP wouldn't know what the JUPITER REEF CLUB RESORT is (sound it out, dumb fucks) if Trump himself rolled your wheelchairs into it. The rooms have kitchens. Kitchens are places where people cook. Cooking is what people do to food before they consume it. Now, it's clear to everyone reading that both of you foul demons are poor, uneducated, uncultured, and untraveled. Instead of reinforcing what we already know, don't you both think it would be wise to stop posting about a beach resort that you couldn't visit if it was your dying wish? You're embarrassing yourselves. Stop.
??? Why can’t my wife make breakfast?
They have no idea what the Jupiter Reef Club is. They keep calling it Juniper. They don't understand that the rooms are furnished with kitchens. I almost exclusively rent rooms and homes where I can cook. I love a fancy meal prepared and served by others, but there is nothing better than cooking a meal in your casual clothes or pajamas, turning up the music, and sharing home cooking and bottomless wine with people you love.

Neither @Earl nor @TOP can identify with a single word I typed above, so they decided to pile onto you about a breakfast that your wife cooked for both of you. Other posters already called it what it is: Envy, jealousy, and the pathological obsessions of clinical psychopaths.
We have a kitchenette, ever heard of a resort with small in room kitchens?

I guess maybe not, you are a trumpper.
I'm glad you finally got there with them. They didn't believe that you could possibly cook an egg in an in-room kitchen and that since you weren't having breakfast in one of the resort's restaurants that you must not be on vacation at all. These are hot fucking messes, Jarod. They are lost causes who are unintelligent, uneducated, and have never been on a nice vacation.
Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone besides themselves for their lives, enter The Felon!

This is the basis of Trumpism.

Your wife left you, and you are alone…. Damm feminists !

You are broke, fucking IRS!

You can’t get a girl, dam transgenders!

Can’t get a job? Blame globalists!
Man, that was disappointing. I figured you were slamming Dutch Dork here from the thread title.
Yes, we took some eggs to Espana and cooked them at the Hotel Christina.


The tower in the background Is the Tower de Hiralda. The Tower of Gold in front.

I lived about a block from there a few decades ago.
You insane fucking psychopath.

This is a postcard scan of the Hotel Cristina and Torre del Oro in Sevilla Spain circa 1960's. This hotel is no longer in business and has been converted into an office building.

Tell us more about the vacation you just took there.
Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone besides themselves for their lives, enter The Felon!

Sounds like Democrats all right. One day, maybe they will realize what a pack of unamerican, race hustling haters they have become? :dunno:

This is the basis of Trumpism.

Wrong. It's the basis for unhinged TDS. Something you should seek help for.

Your wife left you, and you are alone…. Damm feminists !

I have no doubt averyone has left you. Who would want to be around such a brainless, angry hate filled moron? :dunno:

You are broke, fucking IRS!

No doubt most Democrats are broke. Mentally and fiscally. That is why they are such liars and grifters.

You can’t get a girl, dam transgenders!

:lolup: Moron thinks transgenders can be girls. What a fucking dope. :laugh:

Can’t get a job? Blame globalists!

Hell, most Democrats don't want a job. Why work when you can milk the system.

Another fine example of what a strawman argument looks like from the forums empty headed scarecrow. :laugh:
