Canada suspends some pork imports from Smithfield Foods

Instead of saying "flipping someone the bird" we should write "flipping someone a Tbird19482" or simply a "Tbird19482".
Pork products from Smithfield Foods' Tar Heel, North Carolina facility are not eligible for export to Canada until further notice. According to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, meat products originating from the establishment on or after March 6 will not be permitted to enter into the country.

Ray Atkinson, senior director of external communications for the company, says the issue pertains to a limited number of certain offal shipments. Smithfield is working with USDA FSIS to expedite the resolution of this matter.

No other Smithfield Foods facilities or U.S. pork processing plants were named in the FSIS announcement.


Has anyone else noticed how giddy brainless leftists become when they think something bad is going to happen to America?

It's quite psychotic. :laugh:
Notice that are targeting food and booze. The fact that it is red states is irrelevant. Our food processing is abhorrent to many countries. What is their payoff for targeting specific states? Trump cannot run again. They are not hurting King Donald.
Do you think that Trump won't try to run again?
Possibly, but as usual in the US, money talks and bullshit walks. Those with the money are willing to give the Orange Jesus a little leeway to produce results, but if those results aren't forthcoming, they'll rein him in.
Another laughably stupid posts lacking reality or facts. Trump is a billionaire who is beholden to no one. In fact, being a one term President, even more so. If you had a brain, you could comprehend the obvious. But instead, you parrot the bullshit you're fed on MSNBC and The View.

Lastly, money obviously means nothing to him as he doesn't even take a salary for putting up with the shrill stupidity of the left and Democratic Party of shrill lying Jackasses.

I wish you had a brain. Really I do.
Well I watch several news outlets, AOL, News nation IF you can separate the right wing BS, ABC and CBS.
NO schools??
So let back hill red necks educate educate our kids?
I guess MAGAS want to keep out people uneducated as possible.
Got to keep them down on the farm I guess.
RepubliKKKans hate education for 2 reasons: 1.) They are uneducated and jealous of learning. 2.) Education naturally leads to expanded rights and opportunities, liberal progress, and an egalitarian society. RepubliKKKans are selfish, insecure, hateful, bigoted, and shortsighted. We can't expect someone like Toxic, who impersonates a teacher, to care about public education. They are the enemy of every child.