Worst day of year: Dow down 900 points.

... because Wall Street is "for the rich"?

What do you mean "again"?? The DOW JONES average increased more under Trump's 1st term than it did under Biden's only term. Under Biden's only term, "the market" plummeted over 20% during most of his 2nd year in office (as opposed to this roughly 5% drop during Trump's 1st two months of his 2nd officially-served term)

Correction: DEMOCRATS have no confidence in this administration. THEY are the ones who are currently pulling their money out of the stock market, freaking out about Trump's tariffs even though they had already lived through it during Trump's first term and there were no "drastic price increases due to tariffs" then either.

You have nothing on which to base the idea that this market crash is due to DEMOCRATS selling. That makes no sense.

Investors see what's happening - whether they're conservative or liberal.
For anyone who thinks Wall Street & Main Street are disconnected, just watch the next few months if this market slide continues.

Just like Trump's first admin - there are likely to be significant job losses. Businesses cut back when the market plummets like this.
So the economy WAS doing good when Trump took over in his second term,
So you read absolutely nothing that I posted? Typical Tbird.
he starts his Tariff shit and has made the market jittery.
He did tariffs under his first term, dude. It's nothing new. Countries all around the world already tariff the shit out of us; that's nothing new either.
and the market is falling a LOT.
Tbird thinks that a few percentage points is greater than 20.
The drop under Biden had a lot to do with COVID
What about the drop under Trump? What about the gain under Trump? What about the gain under Biden? Did all of those instances also "have a lot to do with COVID"? :rofl2:
and supply shortages that started under Trump.
... due to Democrat governors shutting down their states.
Yep. I disagree w/ that.
No you don't. See below.
The rich are the primary investors,
Here, you are agreeing with Nordy. So, apparently Wall Street IS "for the rich" after all, eh?
but what happens w/ the market affects everyone.
No it doesn't.
The market is an economic indicator.
No it isn't.
It goes down when investors have no confidence in the economy
No it doesn't. Business investments are currently through the roof.
- and they don't right now,
What do you mean? Business investments are currently through the roof.
because of Trump's tariffs and rhetoric in general. Trump is a terrible economic President.
:blah: :blah: :blah: 🦜🦜🦜 🔂🔂🔂
So you read absolutely nothing that I posted? Typical Tbird.

He did tariffs under his first term, dude. It's nothing new. Countries all around the world already tariff the shit out of us; that's nothing new either.

Tbird thinks that a few percentage points is greater than 20.

What about the drop under Trump? What about the gain under Trump? What about the gain under Biden? Did all of those instances also "have a lot to do with COVID"? :rofl2:

... due to Democrat governors shutting down their states.
Why should I it is all lies anyways.
You have nothing on which to base the idea that this market crash is due to DEMOCRATS selling. That makes no sense.
Sure I do. Numerous Democrats on this forum have already openly said that they've gotten out of the stock market. I've even heard the same mantra and fear mongering from a Democrat co-worker of mine.
Investors see what's happening - whether they're conservative or liberal.
Investors are currently investing in USA business like never before. They seem quite confident of success to me.
Sure I do. Numerous Democrats on this forum have already openly said that they've gotten out of the stock market. I've even heard the same mantra and fear mongering from a Democrat co-worker of mine.

Investors are currently investing in USA business like never before. They seem quite confident of success to me.

Numerous Democrats on this forum?

Dow was 43487.83 on the day Trump took over not even 2 months ago and is at 40890.75 down 2597.25 points.
Yes all in less then two months .
Keep it going Trump maybe we can wipe out all the gains we have had in the past two years or so.
That's not proof of anything - regardless. I'm sure Dems are selling, just like every other investor.
It depends. Selling when the bottom falls out of a market goes against the philosophy of "buy low, sell high". Shifting funds to something more conservative for now and then move them back when things are looking up is a safer bet.

As it is, I'm fully retired and don't have 10-15 years to ride out a self-induced economic storm so I'd previously moved all my stuff into a moderate conservative fund. Still, I'm down several thousand in "paper money", but will simply ride out the storm.

I turned 69 earlier this year and had pulled out $20K when the market was high for "fun money" since "you can't take it with you". Now I'm thinking of sending 10-15K back if the market looks like it'll go back up....which I think it will when Trump buckles and stops the nonsense.
Here, you are arguing that it isn't happening.

Here, you are arguing that it IS happening.

... except for the investors who aren't.

BTW, the stock market is not the economy.
BTW, the stock market is not an "economic indicator".

This is sort of a wasteful discussion - but no, what you're posting above is not accurate. You said the market was crashing because of Democrats pulling out. It's everyone - it's not just Democrats.

As to the market not being an indicator or related to the economy - that's simply ridiculous. Just watch over the next few months.