On this Easter, Let us remember...Trayvon!

More "real debate" from Yurt.

What a dopey response...

And again....comment on the poster, ignore the post....#121

More just looking for something - anything - out of you that isn't 100% dopey.

Not likely, though. You're only likely to get dumber as the years go by....

And again....comment on the poster, ignore the post....#122

Um...Yurt? You 1st responded to me on this thread; not the other way around.

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be dopier, you out-dopey yourself. Nice goin'....

And again....comment on the poster, ignore the post....#123

You really have no idea what you say. It's the strangest thing...

And again....comment on the poster, ignore the post....#124
Dixette pwned in post 28...

Originally Posted by Dixie

Okay.... let me get this straight so we all know what the "rules" are..... So now, it's perfectly acceptable, whenever any incident happens, for us to run out there and scour the internet for the most radical extreme obscene shit posted by any anonymous moron on the internet, and pretend that represents an entire group of people who share political philosophies, even though they had nothing to do with the posts?

Nobody said that, did they, disingenuous Dix?

But you said this:

Originally Posted by Dixie
What about the Treyvon case indicates "racism" on the part of ANYONE, including Zimmerman? I don't think that has been established...

And you said this:

Originally Posted by Dixie

...I asked your punk ass to show some goddamn proof that someone had been racist, and you have completely FAILED to do that, like the punk ass FAILURE you are! You can't do it because there is not anything to show, and you know it...

Poor Blabo.
Dixette pwned in post 28...

Originally Posted by Dixie

Okay.... let me get this straight so we all know what the "rules" are..... So now, it's perfectly acceptable, whenever any incident happens, for us to run out there and scour the internet for the most radical extreme obscene shit posted by any anonymous moron on the internet, and pretend that represents an entire group of people who share political philosophies, even though they had nothing to do with the posts?

Nobody said that, did they, disingenuous Dix?

But you said this:

Originally Posted by Dixie
What about the Treyvon case indicates "racism" on the part of ANYONE, including Zimmerman? I don't think that has been established...

And you said this:

Originally Posted by Dixie

...I asked your punk ass to show some goddamn proof that someone had been racist, and you have completely FAILED to do that, like the punk ass FAILURE you are! You can't do it because there is not anything to show, and you know it...

Poor Blabo.

poor legion....life...he has none

he can only copy me...with "poor" this person

LOL - bravs is a hoot.

Bravs - I've refrained from "comment on the poster" stuff w/ you over the past few days, because it's so obvious you're projecting.

But it's on, now. You won't make it an hour.
Oh...what was it again, bravs? It's okay if you comment on the poster only, as long as it's "in context?"

Dixtard pwns himself again, the ONLY person he is capable of pwning, and at the same time, inadverdaently admits the real reason for starting this thread;

The point, I thought, was obvious. To pay umbrage to Treyvon

:palm: Dixie, next time use a dictionary if you are going to write multi-sylable words.


1. Offense or annoyance: "she took umbrage at his remarks".

2. Shade or shadow, esp. as cast by trees.

More info »Dictionary.com
umbrage, homage... kinda sorta sound alike. Pretty fucking amazing it took all day for you 'geniuses' to pick up on that! I guess you didn't have the benefit of LowIQ's brain, huh?
umbrage, homage... kinda sorta sound alike. Pretty fucking amazing it took all day for you 'geniuses' to pick up on that! I guess you didn't have the benefit of LowIQ's brain, huh?

kinda sorta sound alike. What a fucktard.
Dixette pwned in post 28...

Originally Posted by Dixie

Okay.... let me get this straight so we all know what the "rules" are..... So now, it's perfectly acceptable, whenever any incident happens, for us to run out there and scour the internet for the most radical extreme obscene shit posted by any anonymous moron on the internet, and pretend that represents an entire group of people who share political philosophies, even though they had nothing to do with the posts?

Nobody said that, did they, disingenuous Dix?

But you said this:

Originally Posted by Dixie
What about the Treyvon case indicates "racism" on the part of ANYONE, including Zimmerman? I don't think that has been established...

And you said this:

Originally Posted by Dixie

...I asked your punk ass to show some goddamn proof that someone had been racist, and you have completely FAILED to do that, like the punk ass FAILURE you are! You can't do it because there is not anything to show, and you know it...

Poor Blabo.

Wrong again AssWipe......The subject of the thread is Martin and Zimmermen and those associated with the killing.......not any anonymous moron on the internet, that
posts extreme obscene shit and then have you pretend that they are somehow involved with the Trayvon issue.....
You wear your turds as crown and think it impresses us.....duh....not happinin'....

Sorry Poor pathetic AssWipe.....
kinda sorta sound alike. What a fucktard.

Yeah, they do sound alike... which is probably why you didn't catch the error... or is more like, you didn't know either? Whatevahz... you're right, it's pretty fucktarded to not accept it was an honest error, which I admitted. In fact, it goes beyond just being a fucktard, we need a new word to describe what you are. Jerk doesn't seem to cut it, has to be more despicable and filthy-mouthed than just a jerk. Something sleazy and disgusting, yet annoying and persistent, like a three-day-old turd that refuses to flush....maybe?