Second degree murder

Only a white man who has never been the victim of a violent crime could make the outrageous claim that it's "no big deal" to be followed at night.

That's so clueless it's not even funny.

not everyone is a poor wittle victim like you darla :)

I've had a knife pulled on me and put in my face, and another time I was pushed towards a moving train by a total psycho. Didn't even lose a bit of sleep in either night those things occurred. Didn't feel like a victim either, just went about my day.

And being followed by some neighborhood douchebag isn't a thing of a lack of privilege. All teenagers are familiar with some douche mall cop or an annoying soccer mom harassing their good time and breaking up their fun. Doesn't mean it's illegal. And in the grand scheme of things, nope, not a big deal.
not everyone is a poor wittle victim like you darla :)

I've had a knife pulled on me and put in my face, and another time I was pushed towards a moving train by a total psycho. Didn't even lose a bit of sleep in either night those things occurred. Didn't feel like a victim either, just went about my day.

And being followed by some neighborhood douchebag isn't a thing of a lack of privilege. All teenagers are familiar with some douche mall cop or an annoying soccer mom harassing their good time and breaking up their fun. Doesn't mean it's illegal. And in the grand scheme of things, nope, not a big deal.

Being followed by a mall cop or a soccer mom is in no way analogous to being followed at night, on a street, by a man. You are being totally ridiculous, and if you really had a knife in your face (was this in the sixth grade by a kid who got tired of you following him around calling him chubs?), and you seriously have no problem with someone following you around on the streets, then that's your sickness. Not mine. You have no right in the world to follow me and I will tell you dead serious if you did, you'd have a problem on your hands. I am not kidding. I might even get in my car and run your ass over. Totally serious.

So you think a person should give the same watchful eye to a grandma as to a young black guy when it is young black guys that have been behind a recent rise in crime?

That type of thinking is why grandmas and three year olds get searched in airports.
So you think a person should give the same watchful eye to a grandma as to a young black guy when it is young black guys that have been behind a recent rise in crime?

That type of thinking is why grandmas and three year olds get searched in airports.

A young unarmed black kid is dead. Give it a rest okay?
If it made sense would it be right to do?

Absolutely. If a recent rise in crime is attributed to young white men, I am going to be looking for young white men. If it is young black men, then I am going to be more aware of what young black men are doing. It is common sense. If it isn't racist to do so, though it is profiling. Society is getting to the point where profiling is a four letter word.
A young unarmed black kid is dead. Give it a rest okay?

I am quite aware that he is dead. Should we end all discussion on it because Trayvon is dead? That makes little sense. It is simply a way for you to divert away from answering the question. If you don't wish to discuss the topic, you are quite free to leave this thread.
Absolutely. If a recent rise in crime is attributed to young white men, I am going to be looking for young white men. If it is young black men, then I am going to be more aware of what young black men are doing. It is common sense. If it isn't racist to do so, though it is profiling. Society is getting to the point where profiling is a four letter word.

It's interesting that you took me to task for saying he was profiling just a bit earlier.
Just wondering with all this whining about how the liberals won't let us profile, and how you have the right to follow anyone around at night you feel like following, we didn't forget we have a dead body here did we?

I still say this bullshit about being entitled to follow people around and kill them, and then claim "stand your ground" would all get solved if women started carrying and shooting men who followed them. They would have every right as I understand that extreme law, to turn around, face their stalker, and shoot them right in the face. There is zero doubt they can claim reasonable fear. Zero doubt.

I think this is what is needed.

Also, Grind for you particular you better get off your smug high horse, because I am telling you outright I have no problem killing you if you are following me at night. Is that a victim? No that's a bitch who isn't going to become your victim. Period.
I am quite aware that he is dead. Should we end all discussion on it because Trayvon is dead? That makes little sense. It is simply a way for you to divert away from answering the question. If you don't wish to discuss the topic, you are quite free to leave this thread.

No your bullshit is the diversion. An unarmed kid is dead. So again, give it a rest.
It's interesting that you took me to task for saying he was profiling just a bit earlier.

re-read what I wrote in response to you. I took you to task for suggesting that when he said 'these guys' he meant 'these black guys'. I stated clearly that there was likely a degree of profiling unconsciously done given the recent crime stats. But your implication was that it was more. That he was racist. That is what I took to you to task for.
re-read what I wrote in response to you. I took you to task for suggesting that when he said 'these guys' he meant 'these black guys'. I stated clearly that there was likely a degree of profiling unconsciously done given the recent crime stats. But your implication was that it was more. That he was racist. That is what I took to you to task for.

No your bullshit is the diversion. An unarmed kid is dead. So again, give it a rest.

Again, I plan to continue to discuss the topic of the thread. If you do not wish to do so, you are free to leave. You are not, however, going to tell me what I can and cannot discuss with any success. So give it a rest.

Trayvon being dead is not going to change my point.
I have to go, I have an appointment. And I'm really getting a headache from constantly talking about this. You bitches put up some new threads while I'm gone. And get some coffee while you are at it.
I don't believe he can get a fair trial. His name has been in the news for too long, and too many news outlets have convicted him already. If he has a decent lawyer, the lawyer will tell him this. He will explain that they have a pretty good chance on appeal, BUT that will keep him in prison for several years as the case makes its way through the appeals process. I think he will take a plea to involuntary manslaughter, with a short time incarcerated, probably in a jail, then long term of probation.
I disagree. I feel I could judge his case objectively and on the facts and evidence of the case and based on the law of Florida. I think the problem the prosecution will have is proving intent. I also think that there's a good probability that Zimmerman has legal cover under the Florida "Stand Your Ground Law". If so, even if he did have intent to harm Trayvon or a wreckless regard for his life, the "Stand Your Ground" law may render that moot. If so. He walks. Though I think it will be difficult for the prosecution to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, intent or wreckless indeference, it probably can be done and it would disgust me to no end if that is mooted by the "Stand Your Ground" Law.
Again, I plan to continue to discuss the topic of the thread. If you do not wish to do so, you are free to leave. You are not, however, going to tell me what I can and cannot discuss with any success. So give it a rest.

Trayvon being dead is not going to change my point.

What is your point? That profiling is okay? It's not. Next...
SF thinks racial profiling is OK. It's tremendously stupid, but he really believes in it.

My question is where the "fact" that the recent rise in crime was attributable to young black men come from?
I disagree. I feel I could judge his case objectively and on the facts and evidence of the case and based on the law of Florida. I think the problem the prosecution will have is proving intent. I also think that there's a good probability that Zimmerman has legal cover under the Florida "Stand Your Ground Law". If so, even if he did have intent to harm Trayvon or a wreckless regard for his life, the "Stand Your Ground" law may render that moot. If so. He walks. Though I think it will be difficult for the prosecution to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, intent or wreckless indeference, it probably can be done and it would disgust me to no end if that is mooted by the "Stand Your Ground" Law.

Good post Mott.