This is one that could have been prevented
Take this situation one step further.
1] Immigration, when done properly, with
GOOD vetting, ...
rejection of Criminals, Addicts, Drug Dealers, Felons, people with mentally illness, people with Contagious Pathogens, Terrorists, Radical Activists, and Intolerant Religious Extremists...
By immigrants with skills that are needed...
In limited numbers...
With Requirements to learn American Culture, values, LAWS, and process...
When we can afford the burden of helping the immigrants assimilate, and insisting that they DO assimilate!...
Given this conditions, Immigration is GOOD for America and her Citizens!
2] We have had four years of ridiculous immigration in enormous numbers, with none of the above requirements being met, and we have a back logs of Illegal immigrants who are hiding, hurting Americans, and Costing the Tax Payer over a TRILLION Dollars per year!
The Biden Administration has allowed around 11-24 Million Illegals in just four years!
3] We are Broke, we do NOT have the Money to provide for our own citizens, much less the illegals.
4] We did not get the Best of Immigrants, we were sent the contents of foreign nations gutters, Drug Cartels, Prison, and Mental Wards! We got the World's Worst! Oh there are a few good people mixed in there, but MOST, probably about 70% are bad, terrible, and the Worst!
5] Our police, aid agencies, and courts are over loaded, back logged, and underfunded.
So, Given the above...
How about America puts a 10 year moratorium on ALL Immigration and Asylum Claims. No legal Immigrants, no illegal immigrants, no Assylum claims, at all for 10 YEARS!!!
A chance for U.S. to weed out the bad ones, and deport them.
A chance for U.S. to TRAIN and find jobs for those already here.
A chance for U.S. to pay off the massive debts incurred caring for the current Millions of Illegals!
A 10 year moratorium on ALL Immigration and Asylum Claims. No legal Immigrants, no illegal immigrants, no Asylum claims, at all for 10 YEARS!!!