It's time to play, 2024 Stupid Leftist predictions about the Presidency.

Truth Detector

Well-known member
At the end of this week, Trump will have secured 313 electoral votes, Republicans will have a 53 seat majority in the Senate and at perhaps a 220 seat majority in the House.

Yes, it is that time to illustrate the gullibility, the lack of intelligence and how badly brainless leftists were duped and gaslighted during this election.

Let's begin with our super star of making stupid statements; Martin:


martin said:

You know you are utterly incapable of making that assessment. That in capital letters and fake happiness you make it anyway is one more minuscule sign of the grief in Trumpland this morning over the loss of the Democrat they most wanted to face.

This, as usual, did not age well.

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Next up, Ross Dola, another brainless hack on steroids with severe TDS.


Ross Dola:

And we will see just how long the "honeymoon" lasts.
I say she is going to be President of the United States starting January 20th 2025.

How's that going for you halfwit? I bet you were triggered Wednesday morning when you recovered from your drunken stupor.

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One of the dumbest leftist posters you can find on any internet forum, GeekoStupido:


Geeko Sportivo said:
WOMEN, along with the men who love them, ARE GOING TO ABORT HIM ON NOVEMBER 5th!

How did that work out for you, you brainless clown? Still laughing clown?? Do you need any help packing for Canada?

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Then, there's the forums favorite asshat, BartenderEliteDumbass:



He needs it more than Harris. But, Harris would still come out of that debate w/ more momentum.
It's a lose/lose either way for him.
He is not going to win this election.

Yo, brainless wonder dunce, moving to Cuba? You should be ashamed to even show your face after this laughable nonsense.

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Poor Walt, always stuck on stupid:


Walt said:

Correct, trump desperately needs the debate, and it will also almost certainly be the last nails in his coffin.

Walt, did you take my advice and stock up on your meds?

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One of my favorite dimwits whose smarmy remarks of pretended intelligence always make him look dumber than a rock, ConArtist


Concart said:

Democrats always wail and gnash their teeth. Harris is fine. Hidden Trump vote? Not this time. But I am convinced, and I am now hearing others say, that there is a large hidden Harris demographic among women who have asshole husbands who would not let them DARE say they support Harris. But they do. Just watch. This election is not going to be as close as you think it is.

Yep, that large hidden Harris demographic did a good job hiding. You were right about the bolded part though, even if you stupidly were talking about Kamalalala.

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From our newer forum leftist dumbass, TheHarrisAdministrationFool:


The Harris Administration said:

He can't, just like he couldn't build a border wall and force Mexico to pay for it.

Since he's not going to win the election, it's a moot point.


The Harris Administration said:

Trump should not win.
Trump cannot win.
Trump will not win.
America will move forward into the future!


The Harris Administration said:

He can't win.
We have the votes.
We've got this!

Thise didn't age very well did they dumbass?

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Then, there's our own mentally deranged, lying leftist moron, phantasmallyStupid:


Phantasmal said:

He won’t be President, he won’t have the power. They’ll build him an Oval Office in Mara lago and he’ll pretend he’s President. They will reveal his diagnosis of dementia to keep him out of jail.

If you had a brain, you would be embarrassed.

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Another favorite whiny leftist lying dumbass; CreepiPuss


Crepitus said:

tRump is losing. He has no momentum. He knows he has already lost. That's what all this manipulated polling is about. When he loses it will make it easier for him to cry "foul" and rile up his loyal oompa-loompas.

They are lying the ground game for the next insurrection.

Crepitus said:

He won't even break 200.

Don't you feel like a dumbass now. Oh wait, stupid people don't even know they are stupid and lack any self-awareness.

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Then, this twit with a lot of "DAYLIGHT" between his ears:


Here's how it will play out. Just as it did in 1945. Trump, if he wins, will start implementing his plans and they will get more and more and more scary but they will keep the MAGA folks safe. For a while. Soon even the "loyal" MAGAs will come under scrutiny for failure to toe the party line and sooner or later it will start to consume them.

At that point the MAGA folks will think "Hmmm, this isn't great" and then suddenly there will not be anyone in the entire US who admits to having been a MAGA.

That's how it works. That's how it ALWAYS works.

Yes, poor DaylightBetweenHisEars is the definition of stupid. But alas, his triggered moronic posts always give us something to laugh at.

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And now, for the pièce de résistance , our very own, triggered, vulgar mentally unhinged DeshTard:


evince said:

Will the republicans self deport when you realize you CANT WIN

evince said:

Trump is not going to win
So you will never retrieve it

evince said:

And Trump will never be allowed to be in the Oval Office again
The SCOTUS made it impossible for trump you idiots

I would say, don't you look retarded now, but for an unhinged, vulgar loon like Desh, that would be a compliment.
