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  • Antifa didn't exist before you appointed the most extreme ideological presidential candidate in American history. It was a reaction to your own extremism. And who gives a fuck about some hooligans fighting in the street with your hooligans? The fascists control all the levers of power in society. You're really going to use the hooligans on the other side (while ignoring your own neo-fascist hooligans) in order to justify further authoritarianism and totalitarianism?

    Also let me just say it is extremely hypocritical of you to try and ban Muslims because of ISIS's actions against gays and then support a neo-fascist in Brazil who wants to do similar things to gays just because he's Christian. Literally the modern American right is no more progressive socially than ISIS. Why don't you just admit you're an evangelical?
    lol it's the right that's projecting. You want to shut down speech, that's why you complain about us "shutting down speech". You want to close down the media and ban universities from discussing non-fascist non-state approved topics. You're the ones that want roving death squads that murder "communists" (i.e. everyone who believes in democracy and freedom) in cold blood. You're the ones who lost your goddamn mind because you cannot tolerate diversity and people being openly LGBT. Everyone has to be completely uniform to you, Christian, religious, conforming to "traditional values". And you kill anyone that disagrees. You want to to liquidate the people and send all their income to parasites with inherited wealth.
    Damn we actually had the thinking emoji didn't we. lol

    I at first tried to use unicode and assumed it didn't exist when that didn't work. I assume this websites database is encoded in regular ASCII or an old version of unicode?

    Actually I was trying to use the regular size emoji, but the one I copied and pasted turned out to be a giant ass version. And I just stuck with it because I was too tired to give a fuck.
    Weird, how do you implement those custom buttons and such? CSS can't create content or describe it's behavior, it can only style elements that already exist.
    Does reddit's custom themes feature just rely on CSS or is it some mix of CSS and Javascript?

    I'm thinking of making my own private sub just for theme experiments.
    Is it clear that my un is making fun of people who watch Black Panther and consider themselves the wokest thing ever? Or do I look like a guy who seriously believe BP is the wokest thing ever?
    Is there like any good rock these days? I've like give up and have been listening almost purely to hip hop like Frank Ocean, Kanye West, and Kendrick Lamar.
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