Jade Dragon
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  • I ony changed my name once here when Bush left office

    My name was Deshrubinator
    Sorry, I can name drop a few animes, and my roommate of seven years watched a lot of Bleach and Avatar. But, aside from Pokémon, I know nothing of the artform.
    they would call for a game when the right was getting their ass kicked by the facts
    they knew I didn't like that stupid game and refusd to play

    grind would actually call for a game when I would return to the site from other sites and pummel them with the facts about an ongoing situation.

    it has nithing to dio with politics

    its a lie game designed for everyone to try and lie and fool each other as to wether they were a wolf or villager

    the game starts with everyone being given a status of wolf or villager

    it was to give a break for the right when the facts got too overwhelming

    its why he banned me from the thread
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