1/4 of Americans qualify as highly 'right-wing authoritarian

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
This matches up with the 25 percent who are bible thumping fundy's

More than one quarter of Americans qualify as having right-wing authoritarian political beliefs, according to new polling by Morning Consult.

The study used authoritarian researcher Bob Altemeyer's definition and scoring system of right-wing authoritarianism, which defines it as a "desire to submit to some authority, aggression that is directed against whomever the authority says should be targeted and a desire to have everybody follow the norms and social conventions that the authority says should be followed," according to Morning Consult.

This matches up with the 25 percent who are bible thumping fundy's

More than one quarter of Americans qualify as having right-wing authoritarian political beliefs, according to new polling by Morning Consult.

The study used authoritarian researcher Bob Altemeyer's definition and scoring system of right-wing authoritarianism, which defines it as a "desire to submit to some authority, aggression that is directed against whomever the authority says should be targeted and a desire to have everybody follow the norms and social conventions that the authority says should be followed," according to Morning Consult.


Makes sense. I've always thought one third of our nation is sympathetic to fascism.
Authoritarianism, on the other hand, is infantilizing: We should not have to feel any negative emotions; difficult subjects should be kept from us. Our memory laws amount to therapy, a talking cure. In the laws’ portrayal of the world, the words of white people have the magic power to dissolve the historical consequences of slavery, lynchings and voter suppression. Racism is over when white people say so.
