The "dna deal" was contextualized by Trump himself.
If Warren could prove she had American Indian ancestry, he would pay 1mm to a charity of her choosing.
Once again, the Orange Doofus is welshing.
The "dna deal" was contextualized by Trump himself. ...
Is that what he is quoted as saying?
Also, all she proved is that she is 1/1024 Mexican, Peruvian or Columbian
Not true. From 1/64th to 1.1024. there was a range and you dishonestly took the highest number to back a false claim. It proves she has Indian heritage, whatever the percentage is.That was what she said and what she proved.
That Peruvian thing also proves you inerrant dishonesty. The native American tribes do not put their DNA in the commonly accessible places. They keep it private. However the other ones are able to prove Indian heritage since they have a similar or identical DNA.oiu are grasping, grasping, grasping all the time to work backwards from your preconception. Shameful as always.
The destroy Trump media keeps taking Trump's hypothetical dna deal out of context in order to spread fake news. Trump never extended a dna deal to pocahontas, he only discussed the possibility of making it at some point in the future.
[/QUOTE]Indeed. Look at what Trump says at 1 minute mark in the video. He says: "let's say I'm debating Pocahontas..." This is where he sets a hypothetical setting for some point in the future. Also, note that he is not addressing her, he is talking about her to his crowd.
Now, look at the 1:25 mark in the video. "and in the middle of the debate,..." Here, he is describing the proposed time in the hypothetical debate where he would "toss her a kit". Note that this is only a hypothetical debate that has not occurred, and that he has not made any commitments to Pocahontas. He has only joked with his rally crowd about what he might do in a hypothetical debate in the future.
In the hypothetical dna test that Trump recently spoke of in a rally, Trump indicated that the test was specifically to find out, in her words, "if it shows you're an Indian". The test was not to find out if she had 1/1000th % Native American blood like most people have, it was just to find out if she was in fact an Indian. Why on earth are lefties defending that the white Pocahontas has a 1/1000% Indian in her blood? She does not have enough of the scarce trace of Indian to make her anything even close to being an Indian, so why defend this 1/1000% trace of Indian that is less than the average non Indian has? Nobody on either side of the aisle believes she is an Indian, and everybody knows that 1/1000% trace Indian means she is NOT an Indian, and that she has no business touting her Native American Heritage.
At the 2:13 mark, Trump says "if it shows you're an Indian"
.She should sue him for the $1,000,000 and let the courts decide. I would if I thought somebody owed me $1,000,000 and had the means to pay up.
In Trump's mind and the vast majority of the medias opinion, including the left, including the Boston Globe, including the NYT, she took Trumps bait and was had, big time.
Pretty stupid move.
This is why she's not who I'd nominate if I were a dim and want to defeat him. All Trumps adversaries try to play his game, on his playing field and all end up losing. Warren just showed she'd do the same.
He challenged her and she responded.
She did not have to be there.
Now you have to define the facts away.
I have no Indian blood, so she is an Indian compared to me, because she has Indian in her DNA. That makes her partly Indian. The inescapable fact is she has 5 Indian genomes. yep, Indian blood. Don't worry, Trump is as big a weasel as you are. He doesn't pay his bets. He will slink off . I suppose his bet was not notarized, you can go there next. Weasel.
Wow, such a clever comment.
Not true. From 1/64th to 1.1024. there was a range and you dishonestly took the highest number to back a false claim. It proves she has Indian heritage, whatever the percentage is.That was what she said and what she proved.
That Peruvian thing also proves you inerrant dishonesty. The native American tribes do not put their DNA in the commonly accessible places. They keep it private. However the other ones are able to prove Indian heritage since they have a similar or identical are grasping, grasping, grasping all the time to work backwards from your preconception. Shameful as always.
White pocahontas claimed more than the average white has, but her test proved she had less.
White pocahontas claimed more than the average white has, but her test proved she had less
She claimed family stories. That’s all, obsessive liar. No more. No less.
Lying, obsessive shitstain
White pocahontas claimed more than the average white has, but her test proved she had less.