1 plus square root 5 divided by 2


Will work for Scooby snacks
Beauty = faces with features converging on the ratio of 1.6180339887...

I do not see a lot of (1+sq root 5)/2 faces in the squinty-eyed, pig-faced contingent at MAGA rallies.

Bella Hadid is world’s most beautiful woman as per Greek mathematics,

Beyonce and Amber Heard are runners-up
Supermodel Bella Hadid has been named as the most beautiful woman in the world according to Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi. Her face is considered 94.35% perfect.

^^ I think I had to read that book in either high school or college.

Aesthetic beauty is somehow derived from the Fibonacci sequence, because the golden ratio 1.6180339887 is embedded in Fibonacci numbers.

The Fibonacci numbers are found everywhere in nature; pine cones, daisies, nautilus shells, sun flowers, pineapples.

^ Nobody knows exactly what this means, but it must mean something

In Tegmark's view, everything in the universe — humans included — is part of a mathematical structure -->

"What's the Universe Made Of? Math, Says Scientist"

I counted 34 petals on a daisy which is a Fibonacci number. I counted five petals on a Rose, which is a Fibonacci number. My banana had three peels in its skin, that's a Fibonacci number. In the crosshatch pattern of a pineapple there are 21 spirals in one direction, and 13 spirals in the other direction. Those are Fibonacci numbers, and the ratio of 21 to 13 is 1.61 -- that value converges on the Golden Ratio.

There is obviously some inexplicable underlying mathmatical structure to reality. We might be living in the Matrix? :rolleyes:

Curiously, I count four petals on a California poppy, which is not a Fibonacci number. But California may produce a lot of mutants, that is certainly true of humans here.
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Beauty = faces with features converging on the ratio of 1.6180339887...

I do not see a lot of (1+sq root 5)/2 faces in the squinty-eyed, pig-faced contingent at MAGA rallies.

Beauty = faces with features converging on the ratio of 1.6180339887...

I do not see a lot of (1+sq root 5)/2 faces in the squinty-eyed, pig-faced contingent at MAGA rallies.

Not a lot of them at the Democratic protests either. :laugh:

Although interesting, the Greeks used a small sample for deriving their formula. Sorry, but GIGO applies to the Greeks just like everyone else. Like astrology and palm reading, it's fun and quasi-scientific, but still flawed.

The flaw is not knowing that people like all sorts of things based their, mainly, culture, and, minorly, their genetics. Nature rules in all things but in mankind nurturing has a much greater effect. The Greeks lacked the information to make a better formula.

Maxims like the one's listed below point out the fact that we each have choices. We can be influenced by others or coerced by law, but we still have our choices.

"One's man's pleasure is another's pain"

"One's man's meat is another's poison"

"One man's trash is another man's treasure"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

My personal favorite: "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius
Not a lot of them at the Democratic protests either. :laugh:

Although interesting, the Greeks used a small sample for deriving their formula. Sorry, but GIGO applies to the Greeks just like everyone else. Like astrology and palm reading, it's fun and quasi-scientific, but still flawed.

The flaw is not knowing that people like all sorts of things based their, mainly, culture, and, minorly, their genetics. Nature rules in all things but in mankind nurturing has a much greater effect. The Greeks lacked the information to make a better formula.

Maxims like the one's listed below point out the fact that we each have choices. We can be influenced by others or coerced by law, but we still have our choices.

"One's man's pleasure is another's pain"

"One's man's meat is another's poison"

"One man's trash is another man's treasure"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

My personal favorite: "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

To be honest, when it comes to feminine beauty, the golden ratio doesn't matter to me, only bossom size

(Just kidding)