$1 Quadrillion Derivatives Casino


With the taxpayers on the bailout hook once again for the upcoming market crash, @Asoka
We can throw around numbers and economic theories all you want but time is on the side of financial reset.
We can also argue when the next crash will happen and how bad it will be but all the signs are pointing to deflation simply because the world has lost confidence in the dollar.
Anyone worried about the $1 quadrillion derivatives market crash?
Anyone predicting a financial reset in the U.S. like we saw in the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Anyone see our notional economy headed for deflation?
Anyone question the solvency of the federal reserve?
I asked 4 good questions and all I hear is crickets. Asoka claimed that government debt in a capitalist economy is a net gain for the private sector but didn't mention why taxpayers are on the hook for $1 quadrillion of uncovered swaps that are 20 times the size of the entire world GDP.

But my best questions is if anyone doubts the solvency of the federal reserve.
link us up to the facts you are touting so we can discuss them
A search on $1 Quadrillion Derivatives will turn up half a million hits. Asoka was arguing that the Fed is solvent and could counter hyperinflation but didn't account for all the notional swaps the taxpayers are on the hook for. I doubt taxpayers are that complacent to allow another bailout this close to the 2008 collapse. Asoka also ignored the fact that the world has lost confidence in the dollar and are looking for other forms of currency. I don't see a way for the Fed to avoid deflation.
And the immense transfer of gold from NYCOMEX vaults shows that the fat lady is warming up.

COMEX has been running 300 to one leverage of paper gold to physical gold available to cover contracts.

Now that the outfits that are gaming the system are pulling their -at risk- assets out of COMEX that leverage ratio will only widen.

JPMorgan for instance held 1,398,215 ounces in COMEX vaults at the end of July, at the end of last week that had fallen to 347,898 ounces. The total amount of gold held by JPMorgan in the COMEX vault system has fallen by 1,050,317 troy ounces...or 32.7 metric tonnes...that's a cumulative 75.1%...in just the past four months.

The recent tallys for Scotia Mocatta shows they are also exiting the NY COMEX vaulting system. . . Scoshe's drop in a little over eight months has been 1,898,242 troy ounces...or 59.4 metric tonnes...that's a cumulative 61.9%...

Shit is about to get nasty!
With the taxpayers on the bailout hook once again for the upcoming market crash,

Actually, the next crash will be so big that there won't be any government "bailouts", there will be consumer bail-ins.

Your deposits at your bank, your 401k, your pension funds will all be taken / absorbed to make the banksters whole, to cover their derivative losses.

Forget about the concept of "your money"; when you deposit it in a bank you become simply another creditor in a long line of creditors and you are nowhere near the top of the priority list.

When your bank takes your money (or the insurance company that manages your annuity absorbs it) you will be "made whole" with a wonderful chunk of that institution's stock . . . rapidly devaluing stock that nobody wants because of ahem, their massive derivatives exposure.

And if you think FDIC will cover you, that's laughable.
Actually, the next crash will be so big that there won't be any government "bailouts", there will be consumer bail-ins.
Which is why I put this in the Conspiracy Theories Forum. Everyone knows the crash is coming but no one knows when or how bad it will be.

Germany's central bank is hauling home tens of thousands of gold bars currently stored in the United States and France, in a high-security operation spread over eight years.

All 374 tons of German gold held in Paris vaults will be moved back to the Bundesbank's vaults in Frankfurt by 2020, the bank said Wednesday. A further 300 tons of gold stored in New York will also be brought back.

In total, the shipments are worth $36 billion at current market prices and represent about 19 percent of Germany's gold reserves — the world's second-largest after the United States'.

Once the shipment is complete, Frankfurt will hold half of Germany's 3,400 tons of reserve gold — currently worth about $183 billion — with New York retaining 37 percent and London storing 13 percent.

But don't expect the Bundesbank to reveal how it's going to keep the valuable cargo safe on its way back to Germany — especially after the stunning raid of a Berlin bank earlier this week in which burglars tunneled 30 meters (100 feet) to reach the safety deposit room.

"For security reasons we can't discuss that, partly to protect the gold, partly to protect the staff that will be carrying out the transfer," said spokesman Moritz August Raasch.

"But of course since we transport large sums of money around Germany every day, we've got a certain amount of experience with this."

During the Cold War, Germany kept most of its gold abroad for fear it could fall into the hands of the Soviet Union if the country was invaded. Another reason was that it's easier to swap the reserves for foreign currency in London, Paris and New York, where gold is traded.

Since France, like Germany, switched to the euro more than a decade ago, storing gold in Paris was no longer necessary, the Bundesbank said.

The move follows criticism last year from Germany's independent Federal Auditors' Office, which concluded that the central bank failed to properly oversee its gold. The auditor suggested the central bank should carry out regular inspections of the gold held abroad.
The dollar has been rising all year!
Just how poor are you chaos?
The dollar is being manipulated like silver and gold but most economists predict the dollar will lose at least half its value in the next crash.

It's awfully childish of you to give out more groans than the number of times you posts. It shows you'd rather click a neg button than debate the issue.