$10,000,000 Is A nice Piece Of Change


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$10,000,000 Is A Nice Piece Of Change

Some years ago a bunch of liberals tried to shut me up by repeatedly demanded that that board’s proprietor delete my messages. A few even insisted I be barred from that message board for life. I responded with a compromise: If you want my silence I am not adverse to money. Pay me enough filthy lucre and a tomb will sound like the crowd at a super bowl by comparison. Naturally, no offer was forthcoming even though membership on that board was considerably larger than it is here.

Thankfully, Mr. Pulitzer is made of sterner stuff than I:

Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer was on “The Professor’s Record” with Professor David K. Clements from New Mexico State University.

He told the interviewer that he was recently offered $10 million to walk away from his efforts to scan the ballots and determine the number of valid votes in the 2020 election in various states.

The brilliant inventor who can detect fraud on any ballot told Professor Clements, “and just so you know how bad this is, and I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this. I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this.”

“I have no price. It can’t be done. This is about America. There isn’t enough money in America to turn us communist and to sell out America. I’ll take a bullet to the head. And, maybe that’s what’s waiting for me”.
Go to 1:08 for his comment about the 10 million dollars:

WOW! Jovan Pulitzer offered $10 million to stop probe of 2020 election
BybM. Dowling -
April 10, 2021



Finally, Democrats tried to shutdown freedom of speech on the cheap:

Just prior to his appointment as President Obama’s so-called regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein wrote a lengthy academic paper suggesting the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.” [Doublespeak for freedom of speech.]

Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
Published: 01/12/2012 at 10:56 PM
by Aaron Klein

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The rocket ship is taking off.

My patient cannot remember what vaccine they received for the first dose. What do I do?

I don't think you're permitted to administer it without being registered with the CDC.
Is it for the $40 for the administration fee that's not covered?

Send him to DETROIT! :laugh:

This time zone is called Central Standard Time (CST) during standard time (Winter).
It is called Central Daylight Time (CDT) during daylight saving time (Summer). ...
The zone is one hour ahead of the Mountain Time Zone and one hour behind the Eastern Time Zone.

6 days ago — Americans can get vaccines purchased with U.S. taxpayer dollars at no cost.
If you participate in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program, you must: Administer the
vaccine with no out-of-pocket cost to your patients for the vaccine or administration of the vaccine.

Can I see your insurance? I don't have any insurance.

Private Plans: CMS, along with the Departments of Labor and Treasury, is requiring that most
private health plans and issuers cover the COVID-19 vaccine and its administration, both in-network
and out-of-network, with no cost sharing during the public health emergency.Mar 16, 2021

Effective for COVID-19 vaccines administered on or after March 15, 2021, the national average
payment rate for physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and many other immunizers will be $40 to
administer each dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.Mar 15, 2021


My time is very valuable to me. Please do not waste it.

When I made the appointment for stomach pain the nurse said "it sounds like chrons".
The doc said you have a incisional hernia that came from a appendix procedure."
Diagnose Adios!
The doc has a million other things to do and that's when the hired help needs to investigate
the persons med plan and straighten this all out. He doesn't have time for phone calls and
neither do I have time to supervise.

I don't want to do it. Let him do it.

Do I owe you $40 for the administration fee?
