10 Awesome German words we need English equivalents for...


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Ten Awesome German Words that have no English Equivalent…..

1) Weltschmerz (n.): mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state.

2) Kummerspeck (n.): excess weight gained from emotional overeating.

3) Torschlusspanik (n.): the fear, usually as one gets older, that time is running out and important opportunities are slipping away.
(Think, socially inept message board loser here)

4) Fremdschämen (n.): the almost-horror you feel when you notice that somebody is oblivious to how embarrassing they truly are.
(Think, any garden variety Trump-ette message boarder)

5) Backpfeifengesicht (n.): a face that cries out for a fist in it.

6) Erklärungsnot (n.): the state of having to quickly explain yourself.

7) Treppenwitz (n.): the things you should have said but only occur to you when it is too late.

8) Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung (n.): the struggle to come to terms with the past.

9) Handschuhschneeballwerfer (n.): a coward willing to criticize and abuse from a safe distance.

10) Allgemeinbildung (n.): everything that any adult capable of living independently can reasonably be expected to know

Hat tip: https://hellogiggles.com/lifestyle/10-fabulous-german-words-english-equivalent/
7) Treppenwitz (n.): the things you should have said but only occur to you when it is too late.
Message boards have an edit button - life does not..the thing I should have said ! :blah:
The feelings of fremdschämen caused by Trumptards usually soon turns into schadenfreude.

Word number 11, btw.