10 Things Liberals Don't Understand

1. Taxation-
Liberals have this 'Robin Hood' mentality regarding taxation. They believe it is their 'manifest destiny' to take from the rich and give to the poor. Through the years, they have removed more and more people from the bottom of the tax roles, and increased the rate of tax for those at the top. We are now at a point where only the wealthy pay any substantial tax, so any 'tax cut' is deemed, a 'tax cut for the rich' which really means, a tax cut. The problem they don't seem to get is, increasing tax on 'the rich' effects the actual revenues from taxation. It would seem that increasing the rate, would result in more revenue, but it doesn't. Rich people don't need to make more money, they have plenty! When tax rates increase, they simply find ways to invest the money they have in tax shelters, and avoid paying it. They don't bother trying to make more money, what would be the use of it, if the government is just going to confiscate it? So, what happens is, Liberals increase the tax rates, and we see LESS revenue from taxation. Lowering the tax rate, has the direct opposite effect, every time it has been done, we see an increase in tax revenue, because suddenly, rich people can make money and they do so, which means they pay more taxes, which means tax revenue goes up.

2. Government Inefficiency-
It would seem, with the Post Office, Defense Contracts, the Tag Office, and the Health Department, Liberals would be able to understand how utterly inefficient government agencies are, but they don't. For whatever reason, they believe a government agency is somehow better able to provide services than the private sector. Whether it's Education, Health Care, or Airport Security, they believe the Government is the answer, not private enterprise. The fundamental difference is Capitalism. With a government-run enterprise, there is no capitalist incentive, no reason to be competitive because there is no competition. With free enterprise, there is the motivational incentive of capitalism, the need to make a profit and run efficiently to do so. There is competition, and the inherent need to remain competitive to attract consumers. This results in competitive pricing and more efficiently operated organizations.

3. Government Regulation-
Liberals believe Government should issue mandates and regulations on business. Since private enterprise is dependent on profits, unlike Government, any regulations and mandates effect profits, which have to be maintained in a capitalist venture, so this means increased prices for consumers. Liberals answer for this, is price caps and freezes, which result in less interest from capitalist investors, and consequently, less goods and services to the actual consumers.

4. Social Reform-
Liberals have the tendency to believe everyone thinks like they do, and if they don't, well, they are bigoted, sexist, racist, homophobic, theocratic, fuddy-duddies. They have no sense of 'moral values' in society, and believe this is something that should be left to each individual. Although history is full of examples of failure due to moral social decline, they cling to the concept of a society without moral boundaries. Rather than allowing individuals to determine moral societal issues on a state-by-state basis, for their own communities, and by their own community standards, liberals prefer to ordain judges who rule and preside over our personal lives, dictating what we must accept as 'moral' and refusing to accept any measure of moral decency.

5. National Security-
Liberals believe the free and open lifestyles we've come to know, is something we can take for granted. Because we have always been free, because we've always been able to come and go as we please, and do as we wish, there is no reason to think it wouldn't continue this way forever. They see no inherent threat to this freedom and liberty, and can't comprehend what life might be like without it. They don't understand that millions of Americans have given their lives to protect what we have, and there are enemies around the world who would love nothing more, than to take it away and make us suffer. Because they have always known freedom and liberty, they assume there is no way our government could ever be overthrown and all of it could go away in an instant. They are as oblivious to this as a child next to a hot stove, they simply don't comprehend the dangers of the world in which we live.

6. Guns and Wars-
I put these together because I believe it is the same concept for both, when it comes to Liberal views. They believe there is never a good reason to use a gun or go to war. We should all give each other daisies and sing peace songs of love and puppy dogs. What a wonderful world it would be! The fact is, this isn't the reality of the world we live in. Despotic dictators rise to power, and oppress everyone in their path, and they have to be stopped or they will ultimately oppress everyone in the world. Guns have to be used to protect the innocent from becoming victims. It would be great if everyone on the planet thought like a Liberal, but again, they don't.

7. Socialism-
I admit, at first glance, this seems kind of odd, you would think that Liberals with the socialist mindset they have, would understand Socialism, but they don't, which is why they embrace it! They read the words of Marx, Lenin, and Mao, and think... how delightful! What a great concept! On paper, Socialism seems like a great idea, but it fails in practice for a variety of reasons. Yes, it can work to a limited degree in small isolated areas of the world, because there is no cultural diversity. However, in a large metropolitan society, it leads to catastrophe, because there is no incentive to succeed. Socialism doesn't reward success, it discourages it. Because of this, society never advances, it stagnates and decays. Over time, it always fails in larger societies, it has never lead to prosperity because there is no incentive to prosper.

8. Conservatism-
Liberals believe Conservatism is evil, and must be destroyed. Through the years, they have created all kinds of myths and legends regarding Conservatism, and they simply fail to understand the philosophy. It is fundamentally rooted in common sense and prudence. Conservatives do not want to destroy the environment, they want to 'conserve' the environment. No one "likes" war, or dirty air and water, or school kids going hungry, but Liberals think Conservatives do. No one wants to send their sons off to die in a foreign country, or deny help to the sick or elderly, but Liberals think Conservatives advocate this. Conservatives believe in smaller government, not because they are mean or hateful, but because smaller government allows more personal freedom.

9. National Debt-
Liberals have no concept of this whatsoever. They believe there is an endless supply of money in Washington, and we should be able to pay for whatever our hearts desire, from now until eternity. Despite the fact that we are trillions of dollars in the red, they just keep inventing more and more ways to spend money on things we simply can't afford. We are broke! We can't afford to buy everyone health insurance! I know, a lot of people can't afford it, I know a lot of people are suffering, I see there is a need, but we simply can't pay for what we are currently doing now, much less, adding another burden on top of what we already have. Just the interest alone, on the national debt, is staggering. China practically OWNS us, because they are the ones backing our debt. Still, Liberals line up to vote for someone who promises them MORE money, for whatever is their latest whim. No regard for the fact we can't afford it, and can't pay for it.

10. Reality-
The most disturbing aspect of Liberalism is, they do not understand reality! They simply live in a 'bubble world' where everyone thinks as they do, and the world operates by the standards they believe in. Any attempts to try and talk sense into them, results in bitter denial of reality, lies and distortion of the facts, and refusal to accept what is real. They will carry the Liberal banner and fight for the Liberal cause, in the face of reality, insisting this imaginary world they live in, is the world we all live in. They have no inclination to compromise, that would be 'defeat' for them, that would mean giving in and abandoning the fight. It is far more important to Liberals to keep pushing, keep insisting they know better, and keep denying reality as it slaps them in their silly heads.