10 To 45 Minutes


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
That's how long the round trip communication takes between Earth and Mars.

The Greyhound bus probably would take 10 years.
You must be talking about the speed of light, which is the speed that radio waves travel.


The speed of light
Light travels at approximately 186,282 miles per second (299,792 km per second). Therefore, a light shining from the surface of Mars would take the following amount of time to reach Earth (or vice versa):

Closest possible approach: 182 seconds, or 3.03 minutes
Closest recorded approach: 187 seconds, or 3.11 minutes
Farthest approach: 1,342 seconds, or 22.4 minutes
On average: 751 seconds, or just over 12.5 minutes
That's how long the round trip communication takes between Earth and Mars.

The Greyhound bus probably would take 10 years.

At Mar's closest approach of 38.6 million miles and the average speed of a Greyhound bus being 65 mph, it would take 67.8 years. One way.
How long would an Amazon or USPS driver take to deliver a package of information to the rover without piss breaks?