100,000 prime working class jobs going...


Villified User
Chrysler to Eliminate Nearly 13,000 Jobs

Feb 14, 8:59 AM (ET)


AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) - About 13,000 Chrysler workers will lose their jobs under a plan designed to cut the struggling automaker's costs and return it to profitability by next year.

The plan, announced Wednesday, also calls for closing the company's Newark, Del., assembly plant, and reducing shifts at plants in Warren, Mich., and St. Louis. A parts distribution center near Cleveland also will be closed.

Under the plan, 11,000 production workers - 9,000 in the U.S. and 2,000 in Canada - will lose their jobs over the next three years, and 2,000 salaried jobs also will be cut - 1,000 this year and 1,000 in 2008. The job cuts are the latest in a yearlong series of devastating cuts in the ailing domestic auto industry, which likely will lose more than 100,000 jobs in all.


But then the current economy is replacing them with near minimum wage jobs so we are good to go. Downhill that is....
Chrysler to Eliminate Nearly 13,000 Jobs

Feb 14, 8:59 AM (ET)


AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) - About 13,000 Chrysler workers will lose their jobs under a plan designed to cut the struggling automaker's costs and return it to profitability by next year.

The plan, announced Wednesday, also calls for closing the company's Newark, Del., assembly plant, and reducing shifts at plants in Warren, Mich., and St. Louis. A parts distribution center near Cleveland also will be closed.

Under the plan, 11,000 production workers - 9,000 in the U.S. and 2,000 in Canada - will lose their jobs over the next three years, and 2,000 salaried jobs also will be cut - 1,000 this year and 1,000 in 2008. The job cuts are the latest in a yearlong series of devastating cuts in the ailing domestic auto industry, which likely will lose more than 100,000 jobs in all.


But then the current economy is replacing them with near minimum wage jobs so we are good to go. Downhill that is....
A recent report in Colorado showed that the jobs lost here were replaced by even higher paid positions in the tech industry. Doom and gloom is really only a tactic to get votes. The Rs use it with the 'nuclear family' and 'moral decay', the Ds use it with 'working class job loss'... It works with people who fear change the most...
A recent report in Colorado showed that the jobs lost here were replaced by even higher paid positions in the tech industry. Doom and gloom is really only a tactic to get votes. The Rs use it with the 'nuclear family' and 'moral decay', the Ds use it with 'working class job loss'... It works with people who fear change the most...
Colorado is not the nation and I don't recall there being many auto manufacturing facilities there ....
I figure colorado is doing pretty well with all the war money being funneled into there.
And how long ago was it that Chrysler said letting Diamler Benz buy them would keep this kind of stuff from happening ?
Colorado is not the nation and I don't recall there being many auto manufacturing facilities there ....
I figure colorado is doing pretty well with all the war money being funneled into there.
Ah... But the idea that all job losses will lead to lesser paying jobs is just spreading a negative prognostication. Many times the jobs replacing them either pay the same or more than those lost, yet all we ever hear is that they are all going to have to learn how to say, "Do you want fries with that?" and accept lesser paying jobs.

While that too can happen, it is just guesswork to say that it is certain, and it is electioneering in its basest form. How can we scare them into voting for us today?

All of those workers were supported by a Union, it appears that protecting the American worker through Unions, as Obama promoted, just doesn't work all that well.
All of those workers were supported by a Union, it appears that protecting the American worker through Unions, as Obama promoted, just doesn't work all that well.

Correct we have been in an anti union government mode since Regan.
Also the employers providing health care benefits is dropping rapidly. Salary is only part of the picture of compensation. And health care costs are a major cause of personal bankruptcies.
Also the employers providing health care benefits is dropping rapidly. Salary is only part of the picture of compensation. And health care costs are a major cause of personal bankruptcies.
It is dropping rapidly largely because of higher health costs a large portion of which came from a certain Executive order forcing hospitals to give "free" health care away to those who have no identification...

Attempting to make it a vacuum and say it is "all because of Reagan" is simply another electioneering tactic. You have shown your D colors of late, you seem to blindly support whatever spin they want to put out.
All of those workers were supported by a Union, it appears that protecting the American worker through Unions, as Obama promoted, just doesn't work all that well.

Correct we have been in an anti union government mode since Regan.
Right here... the post right before the whole "healthcare cost" one.
So becuase I said "Correct we have been in an anti union government mode since Regan"
That means no one else has been anti union or pro union since then and it is all regans fault ?
So becuase I said "Correct we have been in an anti union government mode since Regan"
That means no one else has been anti union or pro union since then and it is all regans fault ?
You don't live in a vacuum. Stating we have been "anti-Union" then stating also that employers were dropping healthcare in this anti-Union environment makes clear who you think all these problems outflow from.

So, wow. Spin and spin your way out of it, but it is pretty clear who you were blaming for the "anti-Union" environment and that because of it you believed that healthcare was being dropped.
assumptions on your part Damo , merly assumptions.
Now where id I say Regan was responsible for all of it ?
Once again, it all stems together.

1. You state that Reagan was the cause of the "anti-Union" government.
2. You blamed the lack of Union support from the government in decreasing healthcare benefits.

It doesn't take a genius to see what you were saying. Attempting to spin out of this when the two posts weren't even separated by another person's post will be difficult.
Once again, it all stems together.

1. You state that Reagan was the cause of the "anti-Union" government.
Wrong , I stated that our gummit has been anti union since Regan. We have also been at war since my youngest granddaughter was born, but somehow she is not responsible.

2. You blamed the lack of Union support from the government in decreasing healthcare benefits.

No just another statement about fewer employers carryin health care on their employees...sheesh ... you been hanging with dixie or something ?
Once again, it all stems together.

1. You state that Reagan was the cause of the "anti-Union" government.
Wrong , I stated that our gummit has been anti union since Regan. We have also been at war since my youngest granddaughter was born, but somehow she is not responsible.

2. You blamed the lack of Union support from the government in decreasing healthcare benefits.

No just another statement about fewer employers carryin health care on their employees...sheesh ... you been hanging with dixie or something ?
LOL. No, only the Ds around here seem to believe that everybody lives in some vacuum, now even posts in the same thread stemming from each other cannot be connected. Each post is a separate bumpersticker with no associative connection...

Let's see.... I make a statement about how even such a strong Union didn't save these people. You make a point of how Reagan started an anti-Union government and then just make a random comment about how healthcare is being dropped that doesn't associate to the conversation at hand? Come on, uscit. You haven't spun so much since you were last on the teacup ride at the amusement park!

It must be difficult holding conversations when none of your previous comments in a conversation connect to any of the later comments.