100 More Troops Dead This Month


But I'm not going to sign any bill that has a timeline. And anybody that wants to test my will, they are going to find out that I'm not going to sign it. Now, I know a lot of people are going to have to die. And their families are going to be upset. I understand that. No one mourns harder than Condi and me...errr....Laura and me over it. But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. And I'm not pulling out of Iraq, ever. So get used to it, because a lot more people are going to have to die for me.

U.S. April Death Toll in Iraq Passes 100
Filed at 12:35 p.m. ET

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Five U.S. troops were killed over the weekend in Iraq, the military said Monday, pushing the death toll for April past 100 in the deadliest month for American forces this year.

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Remember how, right before the surge started, republicans were saying "let's give it ONE more chance...let's see if the surge works".

And to a man/woman, they all said that we should know "quickly" if it's working or not.

Suprise: they were all lying. They (bush supporters) don't ever want to pull out of iraq. Not on bush's watch. NYTimes was reporting yesterday, that BushCo, is not only waiting until September know to judge how the surge is going, but they're scaling back expectations of any significant progress on security.

In other words, whether the surge "works" or not, that whole "give us one more chance" bullshit Bush fans floated in January, was just a diversion to buy more time.....time, to pass it off to the next president.

Remember how, right before the surge started, republicans were saying "let's give it ONE more chance...let's see if the surge works".

And to a man/woman, they all said that we should know "quickly" if it's working or not.

Suprise: they were all lying. They (bush supporters) don't ever want to pull out of iraq. Not on bush's watch. NYTimes was reporting yesterday, that BushCo, is not only waiting until September know to judge how the surge is going, but they're scaling back expectations of any significant progress on security.

In other words, whether the surge "works" or not, that whole "give us one more chance" bullshit Bush fans floated in January, was just a diversion to buy more time.....time, to pass it off to the next president.

I agree. You have to be blind, or a real bushwhore, not to see what is going on at this point. Bush will not leave Iraq, and will hand it off to the next President, who will leave Iraq. Bush will then some of the billions being donated to his "library" to hire "historians' who will immediately, seconds after he is out of office, if not before he leaves, begin writing the "history of Iraq" which will state that it wasn't lost on bush's watch, and if only the next President had followed the "bush plan" we would have "won" Iraq.

He's evil, and he is a traitor. He will trade lives, the lives of the young, in order to make some desperate attempt to salvage his historical standing. We are talking about the lives of US soldiers. That is treason, in my opinion. He should be tried and imprisoned, or executed.