100% true

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Better relations with China, better relations with Russia, better relations with Ukraine, better relations with Iran, better relations with Cuba.

I count five, even though they aren't really reasons.
This is where we left off.

An event like this, especially after you win. Is considered trauma.
By law you have to leave the gym for so many months.
He's not there. Who the heck is meatballs? :palm:

1) Biden accepts data and scientific information as real.

2) Biden does not engage in demagoguery.
3) There is no evidence of Biden sleeping with prostitutes.
4) Biden has been able to maintain long term relationships with people other than his children.
5) I have never seen Biden denigrate anyone who has ever worked for him.

Oops, that’s five.

6) Biden admits mistakes.
7) Biden believes in improving upon Obamacare.
8) Biden wants to lower the Medicare age.
9) Biden appears very honest for someone running for president.
1) Biden accepts data and scientific information as real.

2) Biden does not engage in demagoguery.
3) There is no evidence of Biden sleeping with prostitutes.
4) Biden has been able to maintain long term relationships with people other than his children.
5) I have never seen Biden denigrate anyone who has ever worked for him.

Oops, that’s five.

6) Biden admits mistakes.
7) Biden believes in improving upon Obamacare.
8) Biden wants to lower the Medicare age.
9) Biden appears very honest for someone running for president.

All lies or presented without evidence, except number 7, and you left out his promises to raise taxes and "transition" from oil.
1) Biden accepts data and scientific information as real.

Biden only "believes in science" when it matches his political goals and views. He won't accept data and scientific information that contradicts those anymore than any other mediocre politician who panders to the electorate will.

2) Biden does not engage in demagoguery.

Biden made the statements at an economic reopening roundtable in Philadelphia on Thursday where the former vice president spoke of how the advent of smartphones had precipitated global participation in the movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

“George gets brutally murdered for the whole world to see it,” Biden said on Thursday.

“I came back from law school when Dr. King was assassinated and when I came back, my city is the only city in America occupied by the National Guard since reconstruction because a significant portion was burned to the ground,” he added.

Biden then said, “I came back, I had a job with a good law firm [and] I quit and became a public defender, but even Dr. King's assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd's death did.”

political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.

Now you have one of many examples of Joke Biden engaged in demagoguery and pandering.

3) There is no evidence of Biden sleeping with prostitutes.

Maybe it's just he has different fetishes...


4) Biden has been able to maintain long term relationships with people other than his children.

So? He's running for President, not scion of your family...

5) I have never seen Biden denigrate anyone who has ever worked for him.

Barack Obama has privately voiced concerns that Joe Biden could 'f--- things up,'


Now you have...

Oops, that’s five.

6) Biden admits mistakes.

Only when pandering or demagoguing for votes....

7) Biden believes in improving upon Obamacare.

Why is this a good thing? I see it as a reason not to vote for him.

8) Biden wants to lower the Medicare age.

Same as the response to 7.

9) Biden appears very honest for someone running for president.

He's just another lying sack of shit politician, and if the Hunter Biden lap top, and now Hunter's business partners and co-conspirators are any indication, a completely and thoroughly corrupt hack of a politician who'd sell you out for a cash reward.
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