David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User

According to the weak and pathetic mentality of leftists and globalist these days, it's your reaction to their extremely sick and inexcusable behavior is what they try and pass off as offensive. They act like their sick behavior of being extremely offensive in the first place doesn't exist while at the same time referring to those offended by their sick and inexcusable behavior is the problem which is like a murderer calling a witness the problem because the murderer wants to murder freely while demanding that what witnesses say must be defined as hate speech as the only crutch that will save the murderer's sorry ass and keep that murderer free to murder especially when that murderer appoints judges etc. They are murdering our democracy etc. with such a cheap and shameful tactic.

This is the transparency of what is shamefully unfolding in this day and age. They want to keep forcing lies and deceptions through legislation to further the sabotage upon our so called democracy into a dictatorship. Of course their plan derives from the mentality of the globalist crime organizations sick agenda playing out in several countries simultaneously in modern day while they try and pass off citizens using words to exemplify being infuriated with such sick and inexcusable behavior as hate speech to try and silence you so they can move towards full dictatorship while claiming no one opposes them because those who justly do will likely be dead or in prison by then if this continues is where this is obviously intended to head towards. Wake up people, many of you are helping them by catering too or humoring their false terminologies etc. Think!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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