11 infamous software bugs

It held so much promise, but they wrote it in such an uncompromisingly boring fashion that the good idea was buried under boredom...
Where's Linux?

For an avowed socialist you do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time towing the Microshaft line. I guess you are from the generation brought up on labels and indoctrinated in logos ever since your mum first stuck you in front of a TV to keep you quiet.
For an avowed socialist you do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time towing the Microshaft line. I guess you are from the generation brought up on labels and indoctrinated in logos ever since your mum first stuck you in front of a TV to keep you quiet.

No one is a Windows fanboy. I'm a Windows practicalist. Microsoft isn't the evil empire they once were anyway. Linux is a good and noble idea, it's just buggy and doesn't work with anything.
No one is a Windows fanboy. I'm a Windows practicalist. Microsoft isn't the evil empire they once were anyway. Linux is a good and noble idea, it's just buggy and doesn't work with anything.

I use Linux Mint 9 with both Gnome and KDE 4, it is absolutely rock solid and super quick to boot up and shutdown. Even my son is impressed now that his favourite game Left4Dead 2 works using Wine.

I am fairly sure that this forum is using Linux and Apache, as indeed are the vast majority of the world's web servers. In addition, virtually every single Hollywood CGI blockbuster uses Linux desktops and servers, so you need to ask yourself what do they know that you don't? Even Boeing has started using Linux for its embedded systems. Would you really want to fly in a plane that used Microsoft systems, the BSOD is not a good thing to have when you are flying at 39,000 feet!! Can you imagine the air crew saying "Oh shit, we need a newer version of the driver, the gyroscopes have just died!!"

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