12 hours to replace a power pole?


ButterMilk Man
On Sat during the day when nothing else is going on? We think it was taken out by a drunk driver based up where and when it happened, my wife surveyed the scene. No Comcast yet so I am coming to you via my Verizon phone as a hot spot , which I have never done...Hell I barely use the thing...I only have a high end phone for emergencies like I end up in the hospital with COVID or somethin...

12 hours...is that reasonable? They pushed back the ETA from 8 to 2 then to 4 then to 5 then to 5:30....which does not inspire confidence.

I assume a wooden telephone pole? Replacing one requires they have a truck and trailer to bring it to the site, then a hole digging earth auger on a bobcat or the like (another truck and trailer). Then you need cement for the hole the pole goes in. Typically these are several feet deep. Once you have the pole set and the concrete is set up enough to hole, a bucket truck and lineman add the crosstrees and other fittings to it. The wiring then has go back on the now installed pole. It isn't a small job to do.
Oh…I thought he was talking about his bass boat. Sorry for your 12 hours of primitivism.

Its not about me....it is about how long this job should take under damn near ideal conditions. Should it take 12 hours to replace one pole and restring the lines...please attempt to pay attention.
I assume a wooden telephone pole? Replacing one requires they have a truck and trailer to bring it to the site, then a hole digging earth auger on a bobcat or the like (another truck and trailer). Then you need cement for the hole the pole goes in. Typically these are several feet deep. Once you have the pole set and the concrete is set up enough to hole, a bucket truck and lineman add the crosstrees and other fittings to it. The wiring then has go back on the now installed pole. It isn't a small job to do.

Ya a wood pole...a big one....carrying the power to something like 1700 addresses.

You notice how many changes they made to the ETA...now the first one I will give them because maybe at first they did not know that the pole had to be replaced...but then they said 2pm. It ended up being 550ishpm.
Ya a wood pole...a big one....carrying the power to something like 1700 addresses.

You notice how many changes they made to the ETA...now the first one I will give them because maybe at first they did not know that the pole had to be replaced...but then they said 2pm. It ended up being 550ishpm.

That's utility companies for you. I sit waiting for them to pull a meter all the time now. At least they'll stay on site while I fix the panel and put the meter back in service rather than have the customer waiting for them to return.

It is an all day job to set a telephone pole, and the taller it is, the more work that's involved.
That's utility companies for you. I sit waiting for them to pull a meter all the time now. At least they'll stay on site while I fix the panel and put the meter back in service rather than have the customer waiting for them to return.

It is an all day job to set a telephone pole, and the taller it is, the more work that's involved.

Thank You.

I always look for people who know more than me, because I am not a moron like so many of these fucks I have been forced to live with.

Which is exactly what a real progressive would do.
Comcast gets so much shit (which they generally deserve) but here they were done less than 3 hours after PSE got the pole up and restrung their lines....they did good here.

I always call them as true as I can.

Being a Truth Teller and all.

Here's a primer on how to "read" what's on your "telephone" pole...
