132,000 jobs very strong


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Economists Agree: Strong Job Growth Probably Means Fed Rate Hike
Posted By:Scott Reeves
Topics:Federal Reserve * Interest Rates * Housing * Stock Market * Economy (U.S.) * Employment

Michael Darda, chief economist at MKM Partners, told CNBC’s “Morning Call” that Friday’s strong jobs report probably means the Federal Reserve will increase interest rates. John Ryding, chief U.S. economist at Bear Stearns, believes the Fed will stay "on hold for a while " -- and then likely raise rates.

“Frankly, we're looking at a slew of indicators that are all consistent with an economy picking up steam," Darda said Friday. “...The wheels have come off the Fed rate cut call and the weak economy call. So, I think the next move is higher, but in the context of a pretty robust economy.”

U.S. employers added 132,000 new jobs in June, topping Wall Street’s consensus estimate of 120,000. In addition, the Labor Department said 75,000 more jobs than previously estimated were added in April in May.

However, the housing slump complicates the Fed’s next move.

“The Fed’s in a little bit of a bind, since we do have weakness in housing, which is interest-rate sensitive, but we also have signs of excess liquidity and building inflation pressures -- despite the recent good readings on core inflation,” Darda said. “I think [the Fed] needs to be very alert to inflation risks, and ultimately they’re going to have to prepare the market for another tightening.”

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Ryding said he believes second-quarter growth will be close to 4%. “I think it leaves the Fed on hold for a while,” he said.

Ryding continued, “I think the Fed will want to see concerns about the mortgage market die down. I think the Fed won’t do anything until we see core inflation pressures pick up a bit. I believe that when the Fed gets around to acting, which could be fourth quarter of this year [or] the beginning of next year, the next move from the Fed is much more likely to be an increase than a rate cut.”:clink:
well dipshit, since reading is tough for you. these are separate economist backing up what I said to you tools a couple days ago.
Now I called you a moron and these economist removed any doubt.

well dipshit, since reading is tough for you. these are separate economist backing up what I said to you tools a couple days ago.
Now I called you a moron and these economist removed any doubt.

You are a fraud...just admit it...toppy...'Cut and Run' is your game and we all know it...:cof1:
I don't think you know shit about the economy. Juvinille thread attacks seem your mo. What kind of Joke BS did you get, criminal justice?
You are correct...

I don't think you know shit about the economy. Juvinille thread attacks seem your mo. What kind of Joke BS did you get, criminal justice?

once again...toppy...amazing-simply amazing...keep the old records straight this year...lol
thanks grampy take the time to read the economist opinion and you might actually learn something usefull at the bowling alley to impress your friends.

thanks grampy take the time to read the economist opinion and you might actually learn something usefull at the bowling alley to impress your friends.

Haven't bowled since I was sixteen...however bowling for bluffs are your gig...:pke: