14 Diseases You Can Prevent Just by Washing Your Hands


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Why is handwashing so important?

Put simply, your hands are dirty. As they come into contact with various people, animals, foods, and surfaces, they pick up thousands of germs, bacteria, viruses and other assorted nastiness that can make you sick if they enter your body. "We touch our eyes, noses, and mouths with our hands more than we think, and this can allow direct inoculation of germs into our mucous membranes," explains Janet Haas, PhD, RN, Director of Epidemiology at Lenox Hill Hospital. "We also use our hands to prepare and eat foods, so hands that are not clean can contaminate foods that we and others will eat." But washing your hands has the power to minimize or even eliminate those risks—for you and those around you. For example, teaching people about handwashing can reduce diarrheal illnesses in immunocompromised people by up to 58 percent, according to the CDC. Another FYI: You should wash your hands immediately after touching these 10 things.

