15 Examples of Media, Democrats Escalating Rhetoric Against Donald Trump After Second Debate


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15 Examples of Media, Democrats Escalating Rhetoric Against Donald Trump After Second


Below are 15 examples of the media and the Democrats continuing to use incendiary rhetoric after Sunday’s assassination attempt:

1. “We must stop [Trump],” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)
2. “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” leftist podcaster Rachel Vindman
3. “This really seems to be the confluence of two very bad things going on in the Republican Party … the attempts to divide, to
enrage the population,” Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ)
4. “The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are,” State Rep. Steven Woodrow (D-CO)
5. “Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his
running mate JD Vance, continue to make baseless claims…” NBC News’s Lester Holt
6. “Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to [tone it down]?” MSNBC’s Alex Witt
7. “Another chance for Trump to frame Democrats as dangerous has emerged,” Washington Post columnist Phil Bump
8. “Vance … incite potential violence with lies,” the Bulwark’s Bill Kristol
9. “Was the golf course guy with the gun a migrant?” Democrat commentator Ron Filipkowski
10. “Trump and his running mate have spent the past week successfully inciting violence … today they want to present
themselves as near-victims of violence,” Atlantic’s David Frum
11. “Trump is a threat to democracy, and saying so is not incitement,” New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait
12. “The former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself,” Cincinnati Enquirer
13. “Hope in America,” USA Today
14. “Golf course incident,” NBC News
15. Trump “seizing on assassination attempt,” Bloomberg

The left are despicable people who speak out of both sides of their mouths.
15 Examples of Media, Democrats Escalating Rhetoric Against Donald Trump After Second


Below are 15 examples of the media and the Democrats continuing to use incendiary rhetoric after Sunday’s assassination attempt:

1. “We must stop [Trump],” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)
2. “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” leftist podcaster Rachel Vindman
3. “This really seems to be the confluence of two very bad things going on in the Republican Party … the attempts to divide, to
enrage the population,” Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ)
4. “The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are,” State Rep. Steven Woodrow (D-CO)
5. “Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his
running mate JD Vance, continue to make baseless claims…” NBC News’s Lester Holt
6. “Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to [tone it down]?” MSNBC’s Alex Witt
7. “Another chance for Trump to frame Democrats as dangerous has emerged,” Washington Post columnist Phil Bump
8. “Vance … incite potential violence with lies,” the Bulwark’s Bill Kristol
9. “Was the golf course guy with the gun a migrant?” Democrat commentator Ron Filipkowski
10. “Trump and his running mate have spent the past week successfully inciting violence … today they want to present
themselves as near-victims of violence,” Atlantic’s David Frum
11. “Trump is a threat to democracy, and saying so is not incitement,” New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait
12. “The former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself,” Cincinnati Enquirer
13. “Hope in America,” USA Today
14. “Golf course incident,” NBC News
15. Trump “seizing on assassination attempt,” Bloomberg

The left are despicable people who speak out of both sides of their mouths.
Nobody cried more than you little pussys when trump used the word "bloodbath". I honestly try to take you idiots seriously but it's just not possible. You people are sniveling little weasels
I didn't cry when Trump used the word "bloodbath." I was just commenting on the hissy fit, crybaby thing Earl did.

So what was your point...other than the one on that hat you wear?
Appears now any criticism leveled against Trump is automatically “violent rhetoric.” Harris might as well quite campaigning because if she even mentions Trump’s irrationality or lies she is according to MAGA spreading “violent rhetoric”

Meanwhile Trump, who has espoused actual violent rhetoric for nine years straight, even from the Presidential podium, continues to bloviate nearly daily on people he hates and citizens who are dangerous Americans

Always playing the martyr
Appears now any criticism leveled against Trump is automatically “violent rhetoric.” Harris might as well quite campaigning because if she even mentions Trump’s irrationality or lies she is according to MAGA spreading “violent rhetoric”

Meanwhile Trump, who has espoused actual violent rhetoric for nine years straight, even from the Presidential podium, continues to bloviate nearly daily on people he hates and citizens who are dangerous Americans

Always playing the martyr
I have not prior, nor am I now, defending Trump's rhetoric. When one gives, they have to be able to take. But your response is clearly a case of certain rhetoric ok for me, but not for thee.

I'm not talking about crap that Breibart is posting, I'm talking about inciteful and hateful rhetoric directed at Trump and others (Supreme Court justices etc.) There have been plenty of montages put together showing it.

If you want to go down the path "our hateful rhetoric isn't as bad as your hateful rhetoric" then that is your right. But denying or justifying the hateful rhetoric because it's being done by people you support or like politically just reinforces this is all for show. It's about winning and power.