$1600 bucks just fell into my lap


Will work for Scooby snacks
If that kind of money fell in your lap right now, what would you buy? I'm fresh out of ideas. I could buy my Mom something, or take a nice weekend trip to Tahoe or something. But, I don't really have any great ideas.
I'd put it into a short-term CD until I could decide what to invest it in.
Then, when I was a kid I'd take home a nickel I found outside a candy store and put it into my piggy bank. No immediate gratification for me!!! :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, I'd buy a couple of the power tools on my list, and some materials. We have no family within a couple thousand miles and there are a lot of home renovations just waiting to be tackled. Plus a mini-barn to house the Agility equipment I'm making.
Dominican Republic (when they clean up the island).

Big screen TV for the fam

I could use a diamond bracelet

Take a trip to Paris with the wife

You could donate it toward Guiliani's campaign

tankless water heater
Dominican Republic (when they clean up the island).

Big screen TV for the fam

Take a trip to Paris with the wife

tankless water heater

Good ideas

I could use a diamond bracelet

You could donate it toward Guiliani's campaign

lol. You know, I do have a vested interest in seeing Rudy G. win.

If that kind of money fell in your lap right now, what would you buy? I'm fresh out of ideas. I could buy my Mom something, or take a nice weekend trip to Tahoe or something. But, I don't really have any great ideas.
The Brooklyn Dodgers.
LOL! I'd rather have paints, etc., and have so much fun at home I don't think about travelling much.

Really? I live for vacations. As a matter of fact whenever I go on vacation I plan my next one.
LOL. I forgot to thank Beefy openly. I can't change his thing to "Contributor" because he is staff...
Desh, I guess you and I are boring! :rolleyes:

Thanks! Very utilitarian ideas, indeed!

I must confess I'm not a very utilitarian guy. How about a $400 dollar gift certificate for shoes, for every lovely lady here: Desh, Tiana, You, Darla.

I'm smooth, huh?

Thanks! Very utilitarian ideas, indeed!

I must confess I'm not a very utilitarian guy. How about a $400 dollar gift certificate for shoes, for every lovely lady here: Desh, Tiana, You, Darla.

I'm smooth, huh?


That's an even better idea. Scratch all of mine.
Thanks! Very utilitarian ideas, indeed!

I must confess I'm not a very utilitarian guy. How about a $400 dollar gift certificate for shoes, for every lovely lady here: Desh, Tiana, You, Darla.

I'm smooth, huh?


... as silk! :p