18 Reasons to Drink Coffee for Your Health


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1. Protection against Parkinson’s disease

According to a study published in 2007 by the Journal of the American Medical Association, caffeine has an inverse relationship with Parkinson’s disease. Researchers found that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop the neurological disorder than people who abstain from caffeine. The study’s findings were corroborated by a similar 2014 study in Sweden.



Indeed coffee is great if you enjoy the early onset of hypertension...….enjoy insomnia to the point that you live on sleep aids......headaches when you miss your daily dose of caffeine.....ulcers, gastritis, acid reflux are also enjoyable side effects of the drug called caffeine.....nervous tweaks and anxiety.....the exponential chances of having a miscarriage if you are expecting...….and God help you if you suffer from IBS and are addicted to coffee......of course if you are the type that likes to look cool when they enjoy their daily dose.....who can pass up the extra sugar and hydrogenated oil for extra taste as you have to impress the folks at starbucks and prove you know your way around a cup of Joe...…

Just like all things, everything is acceptable in MODERATION. Coca Cola was once labeled the miracle cure for everything from hangovers to an upset stomach......until they addressed the side effects of one of the main ingredients of the carbonated drug store miracle drink.....COCAIN. Before anyone jumps on a bandwagon....its best to check out the suspension.