19 Straight and LBGT people ask those questions they always wanted to ask...


Staff member

There are certain taboo subjects that you just don't really bring up with people sometimes. But this is the internet... so anything goes. When Reddit user Ladyinbleu posed the question, "Straight people of Reddit, what is something you've always wanted to ask gay people but was too afraid to ask? And vice versa" on Reddit, people from all ends of the sexual orientation spectrum stepped up to the podium to ask the one question that they've never had the guts to come out and say. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

1/19. lamickay asked:

Is it annoying hitting on someone only to find out that they're straight?

GingerScruff answered:

For me I make sure they're gay before hitting on anyone. I'd rather be turned down then punched in the face.

more at link... of course.
As a straight guy with a gay brother I've probably asked them and others like;

Wallmart or Saks 5th Ave?

Top or bottom?

Liberace or Wayne Newton?

Paisley or plaid?

Water soluble silicone or crisco?

Rock Hudson or Mel Gibson?

Spit or swallow?

Judy Garland or Liza Minelli?