2 kinds of people

Is AFHV funny?

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There are two kinds of people in the world.

Those who think that America's Funniest Home Videos is funny.

And those who do not think America's Funniest Home Videos is funny.

Which kind are you?

And Why?
What AFHV has to do with anything else is beyond me, however.

Well, naturally, AFHV is a zionist tool used to distract the masses while the chosen people amass their armies of lawyers and the hollywood elites to guilt us into thinking the holocaust happened. They of course use the industrial military complex as their puppets to exact control over the populace.
Occasionally they are funny, but very rarely are they. Most of them are just videos people send in thinking something is funny or cute, and they are dumb. Then you get Bob Saget, who is funny but he really stinks when he has to use some dumb skit made up by the shows producers, using a voiceover to try to make it sound funny. The thing i laughed hardest at on that show happened to only last a second with no voiceover, and it never got considered for finals. Show is horrible.
Nothing funnier than watching 40 men get hit in the balls in one show. You gotta be real special to appreciate that kinda humor !