2 pit bulls kill 10-year-old boy in Texas


Villified User
Jun 15, 8:51 PM EDT

2 pit bulls kill 10-year-old boy in Texas

KILGORE, Texas (AP) -- Authorities say two pit bulls fatally mauled a 10-year-old boy in East Texas.

The Rusk County Sheriff's Office says witnesses reported seeing the dogs drag Justin Clinton down the side of the road Monday in the small community of Leverett's Chapel.

Tyler television station KLTV reports that a passing motorist pulled the animals off the boy.

The fourth-grader was pronounced dead at a Longview hospital.

look at the stats in the second link. I glanced thru them and it looks llike pit bull terriers are responsible for nearly 1/2 of the dog attacks and maulings. that does not include the pit mix breeds which has a high attack ratio as well.

I love dogs as well. I also like guns but do not like one with a broken safety on it.
Another source different years and data.

TABLE 1. Dog breeds and crossbreeds* involved in dog-bite-related fatalities, by 2-year period -- United States, 1979-1996 +
Category 1979-1980 1981-1982 1983-1984 1985-1986 7-1988 1989-1990 1991-1992 1993-1994 1995-1996 Total
"Pit bull" 2 5 10 9 12 8 6 5 3 60
Rottweiler 0 0 1 1 3 1 3 10 10 29
German shepherd 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 0 2 19
"Husky" 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 14
Alaskan malamute 2 0 3 1 0 2 3 1 0 12
Doberman Pinscher 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 8
Chow Chow 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 8
Great Dane 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6
St. Bernard 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Akita 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 4

Wolf hybrid 0 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 14
German shepherd 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 1 2 11
"Pit bull" 0 1 0 3 2 & 3 1 1 0 10 &
"Husky" 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 6
Alaskan malamute 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3
Rottweiler 0 0 0 0 1 & 1 0 1 1 3 &
Chow Chow 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3
No. incidents for which breed known 10 20 27 24 22 35 24 25 22 199
* Data shown only for breeds and crossbreeds involved in four or more fatalities. Each breed contributing to the crossbreed is counted only once.
+ For 1979-1994, data obtained from the Humane Society of the United States registry, NEXIS database accounts, and death certificates.
& One fatality also involved a single breed.


Note just 2-3 breeds account for the vast majority of deaths by dogs.
Pit bulls are a menace to society. They've been bread to be mentally ill.
And there are not enough breeders working in the opposite direction to make the difference.

One piece of advice. If you are getting attacked by a pit bull, swing them around in circles and stop at intervals. It is the only effective way I know to get them to let go.
Jun 15, 8:51 PM EDT

2 pit bulls kill 10-year-old boy in Texas

KILGORE, Texas (AP) -- Authorities say two pit bulls fatally mauled a 10-year-old boy in East Texas.

The Rusk County Sheriff's Office says witnesses reported seeing the dogs drag Justin Clinton down the side of the road Monday in the small community of Leverett's Chapel.

Tyler television station KLTV reports that a passing motorist pulled the animals off the boy.

The fourth-grader was pronounced dead at a Longview hospital.


Interesting that there's been nothing in the mainstream media, including closer to home, about this. The article has left out some key information here, such as how did this start, were the dogs running loose (illegal in Texas), what was the child doing (not necessarily anything but walking past, but it would be helpful to know) when the attack commenced, etc., etc.

There's a law in Texas now under which the owners will be charged with a felony and sentenced to up to three years in prison if their dog attacks someone and causes injury. Death will lead to far more serious charges and penalties.

I don't care for pits personally, I'm concerned about their legendary unpredictability, but I do know some pit owners who love their dogs and have never, ever had any incidents with them. It's so easy, when we see articles such as this, to leap to some snap judgments, but really more information is essential.

Be aware, also, that most animal control officials do not know or recognize the breeds that they deal with, and are hopelessly inadequate in estimating ages as well. The dogs may well be pit bulls, but I wouldn't trust the animal control people to determine that.
Pit bulls are a menace to society. They've been bread to be mentally ill.

Fact: my dog isn't mentally ill. It's as impossible to breed a dog to be mentally ill as it is to breed a human. You are running off of nothing but sensation. So come, try to take my dog. It won't be her who kills you, but me.
Interesting that there's been nothing in the mainstream media, including closer to home, about this. The article has left out some key information here, such as how did this start, were the dogs running loose (illegal in Texas), what was the child doing (not necessarily anything but walking past, but it would be helpful to know) when the attack commenced, etc., etc.

There's a law in Texas now under which the owners will be charged with a felony and sentenced to up to three years in prison if their dog attacks someone and causes injury. Death will lead to far more serious charges and penalties.

I don't care for pits personally, I'm concerned about their legendary unpredictability, but I do know some pit owners who love their dogs and have never, ever had any incidents with them. It's so easy, when we see articles such as this, to leap to some snap judgments, but really more information is essential.

Be aware, also, that most animal control officials do not know or recognize the breeds that they deal with, and are hopelessly inadequate in estimating ages as well. The dogs may well be pit bulls, but I wouldn't trust the animal control people to determine that.

You should never base anything off of snap judgements from a single case. Pit bulls are an unusually violent AND EXTREMELY POPULAR species. This is like saying GM should be banned because their cars kill the most people. That said, dog maulings are probably the 10 thousandth cause of death in the US. It isn't common at all. How many of the extremely popular pit bull species actually maul in their life time? Practically none of them. This is genocide, it's that simple, and I won't stand for that.

And if anyone tries to take my dog, there's going to be an SMY style standoff.
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You should never base anything off of snap judgements from a single case. Pit bulls are an unusually violent AND EXTREMELY POPULAR species. This is like saying GM should be banned because their cars kill the most people. That said, dog maulings are probably the 10 thousandth cause of death in the US. It isn't common at all. How many of the extremely popular pit bull species actually maul in their life time? Practically none of them. This is genocide, it's that simple, and I won't stand for that.

And if anyone tries to take my dog, there's going to be an SMY style standoff.

Too often people buy these dogs because of their reputation as aggressive and effective guard dogs, then make this a self-fulfilling prophecy by the way that they treat the dogs. Even a little guy can be vicious if he's never been treated with kindness, affection, and care. The terrier breeds do have an inherent protective instinct, and the pits in particular have tremendously powerful jaws and the terrier tendency not to let go. Proper love, care and training can control this so that it will never be a problem.

I recently learned that the majority of dog bites in this country are delivered by ... are you ready for this? ... Golden Retrievers. The reason, I suspect, is firstly their large numbers resulting from their immense popularity, and secondly because they appear so approachable (they really are great dogs, but they are dogs) a lot of people, especially kids, just think they can walk up to any strange dog and shove their hands, etc. into the dog's face, ears, neck, whatever. If a dog isn't expecting that he will react defensively. I've been involved in a few public dog demonstrations recently, and it still amazes me how little so many people know about how to approach a strange dog. That's one of the things we show to educate them.
Fact: my dog isn't mentally ill. It's as impossible to breed a dog to be mentally ill as it is to breed a human. You are running off of nothing but sensation. So come, try to take my dog. It won't be her who kills you, but me.

Not impossible, just look at the little rat dogs. Chu hu a hu as.
I won't deny that Pit Bulls may be unusually genetically prone to violence. But it's compounded by the environments their stereotype puts them in, and their popularity. To take the totally number of maulings and condemn the entire breed because of it is unfair.

Let's think about this. Half of all murders are made by black people. Would anyone say that black people were genetically predisposed to violence? Of course not. It's the poor environment that african-American are usually put in that is to blame.

Of course, that isn't a 1:1 comparison, because humans are much, much more genetically simialar than dogs. But it does show what a huge role environment plays.
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It is the black peoples owners fault? You are a bit late on that excuse.

However that is a large part of the problem with PITS.
Too often people buy these dogs because of their reputation as aggressive and effective guard dogs, then make this a self-fulfilling prophecy by the way that they treat the dogs. Even a little guy can be vicious if he's never been treated with kindness, affection, and care. The terrier breeds do have an inherent protective instinct, and the pits in particular have tremendously powerful jaws and the terrier tendency not to let go. Proper love, care and training can control this so that it will never be a problem.

I recently learned that the majority of dog bites in this country are delivered by ... are you ready for this? ... Golden Retrievers. The reason, I suspect, is firstly their large numbers resulting from their immense popularity, and secondly because they appear so approachable (they really are great dogs, but they are dogs) a lot of people, especially kids, just think they can walk up to any strange dog and shove their hands, etc. into the dog's face, ears, neck, whatever. If a dog isn't expecting that he will react defensively. I've been involved in a few public dog demonstrations recently, and it still amazes me how little so many people know about how to approach a strange dog. That's one of the things we show to educate them.


Horrific monster

To be fair, I'm not entirely sure my dog is full breed pit bull. But USC was casting blame on half-breeds as well.