Have you no sense of decency Ralphie-boy?
Indeed.....if that truth strikes a nerve then you are part of the problem. The reality spoken of by Mr. McCarthy is obvious to anyone with the slightest ability for critical independent reasoning.
Look at the objective facts of the United States position in relation to world leadership and morality since post world war two. Communism has spread its tentacles of evil to the breaking point within the heart of America's one time greatness in its founding principles....of basic liberalism (in the puristic sense of the term), political democracy and economic freedom based upon the free market principle of capitalism...where one finds success not because of his/her place in society at birth but because of supplying a better product of need.
Take for example the American heritage of finding 2 different people...from different political ideologies...yet having both reach a common conclusion of reality in describing their reasons for wanting to SERVE THE PEOPLE. Of course we are speaking of John (Jack) Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. What did they have in common...one being a democrat the other a republican? Both based their political ideologies on the same theme as observed from the history of the United States of America. Both spoke of America's place in the world in comparing the US to a "...city upon a hill" looking upon and protecting that which God had granted them a duty to defend...American exceptionalism. Both referenced their ideologies from the same source "...a John Winthrop sermon."
Find the commonality between Trump and Hildabeast today....the only common denominator is their personalities based upon megalomania in taking what best serves them in their personal quests for power and greed. Mr. Reagan and JFK both asked the same question, "...what can I do for my nation, not what can my nation do for me.".
What has driven this divisive stake into the heart of America and divided asunder the basic principles of morality and family in this nation? Social Communism....which has publicly attacked everything America used to stand for...God, Family, Morality, and the protection of each human being on earths right to pursue individual exceptionalism...i.e., basic happiness.
Look at anyone calling themselves a modern Liberal/Progressive....find me one that is happy or content with their place in the world....just one. Regardless of how much, fame, power, wealth, etc., this great nation has helped them achieve...they can never seem to be happy with what they have found, and often times they become so depressed they take their own lives at an early age seeking the propagandized SOCIAL JUSTICE, always not accepting their place in the world in finding happiness and contentment but rather ranting and raving about what others have that they do not.
Conclusion? Social Communism is a disease that left untreated will end just as it has with every historical example that has ever existed upon the face of the earth.....total collapse due to the fact that nothing can be shared equally in the sense of totality...its a pipe dream that is not capable of becoming reality due to one basic human truth. The existence of FREE WILL, and the very corruptible nature of all men. As history demonstrates all communist regimes fail because of the corruption that comes about at the top that leads to the collapse of the whole due to the exact opposite of what communism promises but can't deliver....total equality, in the end the top collapses around the base because the corruption of men seeking power (their quest for individual happiness) at the top starves that ideology to death at its base....its common folk eventually REVOLT due to the cruelty of the power seekers.
Don't accept that historical truth? Just look to Europe and all the nations that have attempted to construct a society around socialism in their quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE....each of the nations that now make up the European Union have underwent on average "6" revolutions...in their quest for social justice...while the United States has existed upon this earth during the same time period with only 2 major revolutions (the American Revolution and the Civil war) both based upon the concept of liberty for all...not world domination.
America, i.e., specifically the United States of America has existed because it constructed a firewall into its foundation that all other nations failed to realize. The founders divided America's power base into a system of checks and balances...a concept that originated within the pages of the Holy Bible, mandating all power be divided into 3 different and equal government branches...where all possess the authority to check the power of the other branches when one branch becomes the self professed dictator. Ask yourself with objective reality.....what is happening today that threatens this system? The Judicial Branch has declared itself above the other two when it professes to have the RIGHT to make law from the bench void of any type of representation from THE PEOPLE in being the final arbitrator in declaring what THE CONSTITUTION means...regardless of what the actual words declare.