2024 Election follies: who's vote counts?


Shaken, not stirred!
Here's a little challenge for everyone: After the election, do some research as what states have an electoral vote that contradicts the popular vote. According to the "rules", the electoral votes are supposed to represent the majority vote of their respective states.

Twice in my lifetime this has not been the case, yet Americans accept the outcome and it's business as usual. This should stop now!

Here's a little challenge for everyone: After the election, do some research as what states have an electoral vote that contradicts the popular vote. According to the "rules", the electoral votes are supposed to represent the majority vote of their respective states.

Twice in my lifetime this has not been the case, yet Americans accept the outcome and it's business as usual. This should stop now!

What do you mean by "an electoral vote that contradicts the popular vote"? Could you provide me with an example of this?
I often wonder how much those who refuse to critique the constitution
really think that it invented an intelligent form of government for us
or whether they just never got over their Boy Scout phase of America being perfect.

We may be the oldest continuous democracy in the world,
but being the most obsolete clearly comes with it.
I often wonder how much those who refuse to critique the constitution
really think that it invented an intelligent form of government for us
or whether they just never got over their Boy Scout phase of America being perfect.

We may be the oldest continuous democracy in the world,
but being the most obsolete clearly comes with it.
You don't throw out the baby with the bath water. That's why we have AMENDMENTS.

Nothing comes easy in this country .... never did. That's why people of good faith and conscious keep pushing for truth, justice and the "American way" FOR ALL!
You don't throw out the baby with the bath water. That's why we have AMENDMENTS.

Nothing comes easy in this country .... never did. That's why people of good faith and conscious keep pushing for truth, justice and the "American way" FOR ALL!
The procedures for amending the constitution
require a level of consensus
that none of us alive today
will ever again see in this starkly polarized nation.

Our nation, at this point, is more likely to be changed by an armed rebellion
than by a constitutional amendment.

Frankly, I suspect that we're pretty much fucked.
We've been a nation of incompatible people
since they decided that thirteen highly disparate former colonies
could somehow be a united country.

Now, it's caught up with us.
The procedures for amending the constitution
require a level of consensus
that none of us alive today
will ever again see in this starkly polarized nation.

Our nation, at this point, is more likely to be changed by an armed rebellion
than by a constitutional amendment.

Frankly, I suspect that we're pretty much fucked.
We've been a nation of incompatible people
since they decided that thirteen highly disparate former colonies
could somehow be a united country.

Now, it's caught up with us.
Your first paragraph is pessimistic. I sure there were people of that mindset where saying the exact same thing when the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were passed, or the Civil Rights acts that became law.

That seems to be the wet dream of many, which is another way of saying "my personal views and insipid stubbornness takes precedent over the life of others". Kind of dumb thing say, because it just doesn't stand up to the people who have documented discrimination and such against them (i.e, Native people)

Some people have been saying that as long as this "country" has existed. When they say that, it usually means that they are afraid of personally experiencing what the "others" that have been marginalized groups have experienced for a century or so.

More like it's coming to head .... again.
Your first paragraph is pessimistic. I sure there were people of that mindset where saying the exact same thing when the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were passed, or the Civil Rights acts that became law.

That seems to be the wet dream of many, which is another way of saying "my personal views and insipid stubbornness takes precedent over the life of others". Kind of dumb thing say, because it just doesn't stand up to the people who have documented discrimination and such against them (i.e, Native people)

Some people have been saying that as long as this "country" has existed. When they say that, it usually means that they are afraid of personally experiencing what the "others" that have been marginalized groups have experienced for a century or so.

More like it's coming to head .... again.
That's your perspective, Tacky, and you're of course entitled to it.
My perspective is that in terms of quality of life,
more modern democracies are leaving us in the dust.

Forcing myself to be unrealistically optimistic has no value at this point.
My story is near its end.