24 Year Old Conspiracy


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Maria Hsia is charged with laundering over $55,000 from the Buddhist temple luncheon for Vice President Al Gore on April 29, 1996. A Senate committee's charge that Ms. Hsia was a Chinese intelligence agent during an eight-year period when she worked closely with Mr. Gore and the D.N.C. has yet to be proved, but the tale of those years is too important to be lost amid war talk and sex scandals.

NOTE: Charging and arresting the scourge of hotel masseuses was not possible. Years ago sources in the DoJ told agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] that arresting Al Gore would be akin to putting Daffy Duck on trial.

Al Gore’s foreign campaign donors were skinflints compared to the Chicago sewer rat’s Muslim pals. The FEC should have nailed that lying sack of shit in 2008:

Obama’s friends bought and paid for representation, while the MSM got most of the money in political advertising dollars. Obama never stood before the bar for that one, or anything else for that matter.

The charge that Obama took hundreds of million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. There is still a slight possibility Obama can be nailed for voter fraud even though the filthy piece of garbage is out of office.

Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in Obama’s legacy? I doubt if the theft will get footnote status.


Is it too late to put an end to the long running conspiracy that elects Democrats? You tell me.

The Federal Election Commission is officially back. After the Senate confirmed three new FEC commissioners, the agency now has a full slate of six for the first time since 2017 and a quorum to conduct official business for the first time since August 2019 (other than a few weeks in June).

For a functioning FEC, there is an important matter that requires prompt attention — the subject of multiple, bipartisan, and well-documented legal complaints. It is the “Russian collusion” hoax. While many agencies and offices probed the scandal from their own perspectives, the clearest path to accountability for the collusion hoax is, in fact, the FEC.

The hoax began with secret payments by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee to foreign agent Christopher Steele and his Russian contacts for the procurement of false, derogatory opposition research on Donald Trump. Steele committed the bogus information to writing and was paid to spread it to Obama administration officials and liberal media elites in order to boost Clinton’s weak election bid. Along the way, Steele was aided by agents of the Ukrainian government and a DNC operative.

All of this meticulously documented activity violates — among other laws — the Federal Election Campaign Act. The Steele controversy was so unprecedented that it triggered numerous legal complaints from both sides of the political aisle (see here or here). Even left-leaning media types, such as then-Politico reporter Kenneth Vogel, caught wind of the scandal’s severity.

These unsubstantiated claims of collusion resulted in the Mueller investigation, a $32 million spectacle that produced not one shred of incriminating evidence. Worst of all, those claims led to the bogus impeachment of President Trump — for no other reason but politics. It was the most baseless, ideologically motivated impeachment process in American history, and it may never be topped.

What started as the “Steele dossier” has led to an unprecedented decline in Americans’ faith in our government, our electoral system, and our very democracy. That mistrust is so severe that it lingers today.

Which brings us back to the FEC. Responsible for enforcing campaign finance laws, the commissioners must hold accountable those who concealed payments to foreign agents and perpetrated a propaganda campaign with one purpose: ending the Trump presidency. While they ultimately failed, the perpetrators successfully interfered in an American election and unquestionably damaged the integrity of American democracy.

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Payments from the Clinton campaign and DNC to Steele were laundered through a law firm, Perkins Coie, and publicly reported for the purpose of “legal services.” Clinton campaign and DNC officials later claimed to have no idea their funds were actually being diverted to fund a foreign intelligence campaign. That claim was eventually debunked by the liberal media, which is hardly on President Trump’s side.

Federal law requires the treasurer of any political committee to approve all disbursements. That apparently did not happen. The law also requires political committees to accurately report the purpose of those expenditures. That didn’t happen either. Steele’s opposition research was clearly not a “legal service.”

Americans can only conclude there was an effort to misreport and thereby conceal foreign intelligence gathering and the execution of a baseless propaganda campaign. In the past, other political operatives (Democrat and Republican) have been convicted of felonies and gone to prison for falsely reporting the purpose of campaign disbursements. The FEC needs to apply that same standard here.

Those who perpetrated the “Russian collision” charade — at great cost to American democracy — should face the consequences now. The FEC must act promptly, before a statute of limitations expires. In the process, the agency needs to offer the public all relevant information about these secret transactions, uncovering the full extent of the propaganda campaign carried out by Steele, the DNC, and other actors.

As President Trump questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election, we cannot forget the left’s transgressions in 2016. Sweeping them under the rug would send the wrong message to the politically powerful, encouraging potential wrongdoers to continue undermining our elections. The FEC’s first order of business is to restore faith in them.

'Hoax began with secret payments by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign…'
By WND News Services
Published December 26, 2020 at 7:17p,


[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Politics.]

By Dan Backer
Real Clear Politics

Finally, former presidential candidate Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell was dipping his wick in Chinese spy Christine Fang whose cover was fundraiser for Stalwell.

There is no evidence in Federal Election Commission records that Fang herself donated to Swalwell’s campaign. Donations from foreign nationals are illegal.


The NEW FEC should take a closer look at that relationship.
Maria Hsia is charged with laundering over $55,000 from the Buddhist temple luncheon for Vice President Al Gore on April 29, 1996. A Senate committee's charge that Ms. Hsia was a Chinese intelligence agent during an eight-year period when she worked closely with Mr. Gore and the D.N.C. has yet to be proved, but the tale of those years is too important to be lost amid war talk and sex scandals.

NOTE: Charging and arresting the scourge of hotel masseuses was not possible. Years ago sources in the DoJ told agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] that arresting Al Gore would be akin to putting Daffy Duck on trial.

Al Gore’s foreign campaign donors were skinflints compared to the Chicago sewer rat’s Muslim pals. The FEC should have nailed that lying sack of shit in 2008:

Obama’s friends bought and paid for representation, while the MSM got most of the money in political advertising dollars. Obama never stood before the bar for that one, or anything else for that matter.

The charge that Obama took hundreds of million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. There is still a slight possibility Obama can be nailed for voter fraud even though the filthy piece of garbage is out of office.

Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in Obama’s legacy? I doubt if the theft will get footnote status.


Is it too late to put an end to the long running conspiracy that elects Democrats? You tell me.

The Federal Election Commission is officially back. After the Senate confirmed three new FEC commissioners, the agency now has a full slate of six for the first time since 2017 and a quorum to conduct official business for the first time since August 2019 (other than a few weeks in June).

For a functioning FEC, there is an important matter that requires prompt attention — the subject of multiple, bipartisan, and well-documented legal complaints. It is the “Russian collusion” hoax. While many agencies and offices probed the scandal from their own perspectives, the clearest path to accountability for the collusion hoax is, in fact, the FEC.

The hoax began with secret payments by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee to foreign agent Christopher Steele and his Russian contacts for the procurement of false, derogatory opposition research on Donald Trump. Steele committed the bogus information to writing and was paid to spread it to Obama administration officials and liberal media elites in order to boost Clinton’s weak election bid. Along the way, Steele was aided by agents of the Ukrainian government and a DNC operative.

All of this meticulously documented activity violates — among other laws — the Federal Election Campaign Act. The Steele controversy was so unprecedented that it triggered numerous legal complaints from both sides of the political aisle (see here or here). Even left-leaning media types, such as then-Politico reporter Kenneth Vogel, caught wind of the scandal’s severity.

These unsubstantiated claims of collusion resulted in the Mueller investigation, a $32 million spectacle that produced not one shred of incriminating evidence. Worst of all, those claims led to the bogus impeachment of President Trump — for no other reason but politics. It was the most baseless, ideologically motivated impeachment process in American history, and it may never be topped.

What started as the “Steele dossier” has led to an unprecedented decline in Americans’ faith in our government, our electoral system, and our very democracy. That mistrust is so severe that it lingers today.

Which brings us back to the FEC. Responsible for enforcing campaign finance laws, the commissioners must hold accountable those who concealed payments to foreign agents and perpetrated a propaganda campaign with one purpose: ending the Trump presidency. While they ultimately failed, the perpetrators successfully interfered in an American election and unquestionably damaged the integrity of American democracy.

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Payments from the Clinton campaign and DNC to Steele were laundered through a law firm, Perkins Coie, and publicly reported for the purpose of “legal services.” Clinton campaign and DNC officials later claimed to have no idea their funds were actually being diverted to fund a foreign intelligence campaign. That claim was eventually debunked by the liberal media, which is hardly on President Trump’s side.

Federal law requires the treasurer of any political committee to approve all disbursements. That apparently did not happen. The law also requires political committees to accurately report the purpose of those expenditures. That didn’t happen either. Steele’s opposition research was clearly not a “legal service.”

Americans can only conclude there was an effort to misreport and thereby conceal foreign intelligence gathering and the execution of a baseless propaganda campaign. In the past, other political operatives (Democrat and Republican) have been convicted of felonies and gone to prison for falsely reporting the purpose of campaign disbursements. The FEC needs to apply that same standard here.

Those who perpetrated the “Russian collision” charade — at great cost to American democracy — should face the consequences now. The FEC must act promptly, before a statute of limitations expires. In the process, the agency needs to offer the public all relevant information about these secret transactions, uncovering the full extent of the propaganda campaign carried out by Steele, the DNC, and other actors.

As President Trump questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election, we cannot forget the left’s transgressions in 2016. Sweeping them under the rug would send the wrong message to the politically powerful, encouraging potential wrongdoers to continue undermining our elections. The FEC’s first order of business is to restore faith in them.

'Hoax began with secret payments by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign…'
By WND News Services
Published December 26, 2020 at 7:17p,


[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Politics.]

By Dan Backer
Real Clear Politics

Finally, former presidential candidate Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell was dipping his wick in Chinese spy Christine Fang whose cover was fundraiser for Stalwell.

There is no evidence in Federal Election Commission records that Fang herself donated to Swalwell’s campaign. Donations from foreign nationals are illegal.


The NEW FEC should take a closer look at that relationship.

You should really consider meth and heroin rehab, Mrs. Bubbles.
Maria Hsia is charged with laundering over $55,000 from the Buddhist temple luncheon for Vice President Al Gore on April 29, 1996. A Senate committee's charge that Ms. Hsia was a Chinese intelligence agent during an eight-year period when she worked closely with Mr. Gore and the D.N.C. has yet to be proved, but the tale of those years is too important to be lost amid war talk and sex scandals.

NOTE: Charging and arresting the scourge of hotel masseuses was not possible. Years ago sources in the DoJ told agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] that arresting Al Gore would be akin to putting Daffy Duck on trial.

Al Gore’s foreign campaign donors were skinflints compared to the Chicago sewer rat’s Muslim pals. The FEC should have nailed that lying sack of shit in 2008:

Obama’s friends bought and paid for representation, while the MSM got most of the money in political advertising dollars. Obama never stood before the bar for that one, or anything else for that matter.

The charge that Obama took hundreds of million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. There is still a slight possibility Obama can be nailed for voter fraud even though the filthy piece of garbage is out of office.

Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in Obama’s legacy? I doubt if the theft will get footnote status.


Is it too late to put an end to the long running conspiracy that elects Democrats? You tell me.

The Federal Election Commission is officially back. After the Senate confirmed three new FEC commissioners, the agency now has a full slate of six for the first time since 2017 and a quorum to conduct official business for the first time since August 2019 (other than a few weeks in June).

For a functioning FEC, there is an important matter that requires prompt attention — the subject of multiple, bipartisan, and well-documented legal complaints. It is the “Russian collusion” hoax. While many agencies and offices probed the scandal from their own perspectives, the clearest path to accountability for the collusion hoax is, in fact, the FEC.

The hoax began with secret payments by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee to foreign agent Christopher Steele and his Russian contacts for the procurement of false, derogatory opposition research on Donald Trump. Steele committed the bogus information to writing and was paid to spread it to Obama administration officials and liberal media elites in order to boost Clinton’s weak election bid. Along the way, Steele was aided by agents of the Ukrainian government and a DNC operative.

All of this meticulously documented activity violates — among other laws — the Federal Election Campaign Act. The Steele controversy was so unprecedented that it triggered numerous legal complaints from both sides of the political aisle (see here or here). Even left-leaning media types, such as then-Politico reporter Kenneth Vogel, caught wind of the scandal’s severity.

These unsubstantiated claims of collusion resulted in the Mueller investigation, a $32 million spectacle that produced not one shred of incriminating evidence. Worst of all, those claims led to the bogus impeachment of President Trump — for no other reason but politics. It was the most baseless, ideologically motivated impeachment process in American history, and it may never be topped.

What started as the “Steele dossier” has led to an unprecedented decline in Americans’ faith in our government, our electoral system, and our very democracy. That mistrust is so severe that it lingers today.

Which brings us back to the FEC. Responsible for enforcing campaign finance laws, the commissioners must hold accountable those who concealed payments to foreign agents and perpetrated a propaganda campaign with one purpose: ending the Trump presidency. While they ultimately failed, the perpetrators successfully interfered in an American election and unquestionably damaged the integrity of American democracy.

Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Payments from the Clinton campaign and DNC to Steele were laundered through a law firm, Perkins Coie, and publicly reported for the purpose of “legal services.” Clinton campaign and DNC officials later claimed to have no idea their funds were actually being diverted to fund a foreign intelligence campaign. That claim was eventually debunked by the liberal media, which is hardly on President Trump’s side.

Federal law requires the treasurer of any political committee to approve all disbursements. That apparently did not happen. The law also requires political committees to accurately report the purpose of those expenditures. That didn’t happen either. Steele’s opposition research was clearly not a “legal service.”

Americans can only conclude there was an effort to misreport and thereby conceal foreign intelligence gathering and the execution of a baseless propaganda campaign. In the past, other political operatives (Democrat and Republican) have been convicted of felonies and gone to prison for falsely reporting the purpose of campaign disbursements. The FEC needs to apply that same standard here.

Those who perpetrated the “Russian collision” charade — at great cost to American democracy — should face the consequences now. The FEC must act promptly, before a statute of limitations expires. In the process, the agency needs to offer the public all relevant information about these secret transactions, uncovering the full extent of the propaganda campaign carried out by Steele, the DNC, and other actors.

As President Trump questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election, we cannot forget the left’s transgressions in 2016. Sweeping them under the rug would send the wrong message to the politically powerful, encouraging potential wrongdoers to continue undermining our elections. The FEC’s first order of business is to restore faith in them.

'Hoax began with secret payments by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign…'
By WND News Services
Published December 26, 2020 at 7:17p,


[Editor’s note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Politics.]

By Dan Backer
Real Clear Politics

Finally, former presidential candidate Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell was dipping his wick in Chinese spy Christine Fang whose cover was fundraiser for Stalwell.

There is no evidence in Federal Election Commission records that Fang herself donated to Swalwell’s campaign. Donations from foreign nationals are illegal.


The NEW FEC should take a closer look at that relationship.

More teabagger conspiracy theories.

President Clinton announced in February 1997 that he thought there should be a "vigorous" and "thorough" investigation into reports that the People's Republic of China tried to direct financial contributions from overseas sources to the Democratic National Committee. The president stopped short of calling for an independent prosecutor, saying that was the decision of the Justice Department.

"[O]bviously it would be a very serious matter for the United States if any country were to attempt to funnel funds to one of our parties for any reason whatever," President Clinton said.

By July 1997, the administration determined that no evidence of any such thing had yet been proven.

Since teabaggers want to go into the dustbin of history and whine about crimes committed.

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. So the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as “scandal free” they aren’t speaking wishfully, they’re simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) – 8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction. One prison sentence. That’s right nearly 8 yrs of investigations. Tens of millions spent and 30 yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. Zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment and one conviction. One prison sentence.

Nixon (R) – 6 yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) – 5 yrs in office. Zero indictments. Zero convictions. Zero prison sentences.

In their 25 yrs in office Democrats had a total of
three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence.

In the 28 yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53 yrs they have had a total of 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal
convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down.
A Senate committee's charge that Ms. Hsia was a Chinese intelligence agent

Uhm... Not really. She was Taiwanese, which at the time meant that she was not even allowed to travel to China under normal circumstances. She had no link to Mainland China, and in fact was on the complete opposite side of their dispute with Taiwan. How attached she was to Taiwanese intelligence is a matter of debate, but that she was Taiwanese, and not Mainland Chinese is not up for debate.

The temple, the university, and Hsia's parents, all were Chinese that fled to Taiwan, and then went to the USA to broaden Taiwan's power.