APP - 25 primate species on verge of extinction

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
NEW DELHI (AP) — Twenty-five species of monkeys, langurs, lemurs and gorillas are on the brink of extinction and need global action to protect them from increasing deforestation and illegal trafficking, researchers said Monday.
Six of the severely threatened species live in the island nation ofMadagascar, off southeast Africa. Five more from mainland Africa, five from South America and nine species in Asia are among those listed as most threatened.
The report by the International Union for Conservation of Naturewas released at the United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity being held in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad.
Primates, mankind's closest living relatives, contribute to the ecosystem by dispersing seeds and maintaining forest diversity.
Conservation efforts have helped several species of primates that are no longer listed as endangered, said the report, prepared every two years by some of the world's leading primate experts.
The report, which counts species and subspecies of primates across the world, noted that Madagascar's lemurs are severely threatened by habitat destruction and illegal hunting, which has accelerated dramatically since the change of power in the country in 2009.
Among the most severely hit was the northern sportive lemur, with only 19 known individuals left in the wild in Madagascar.
I used to love to watch nature programs and learn about different ecologies and animals but knowing what's happening all around the world, in the name of profit, I can't stand to watch them anymore. I'm serious, it's that bad. With climate deniers, climate change, severe weather, food shortages etc. the animals, the ocean, all of us are going to pay the price. This story breaks my heart. The worst of it is that it doesn't have to be this way.
Homo Sapiens is the only irrelevant species on the planet Earth. All other species serve a purpose to one or more species, directly or indirectly.

Humans are the only species that serves no purpose for other species; our presence on the planet in no way contributes to the thriving of any of them.

Yet humans are the species that is befouling the planet and causing all of the destruction.